phdchat phdlife phdstudent research science womeninstem gradstudent phdjourney gradschool academiclife dissertation doctorate gradschoollife pharmacy scicomm scientist gradschoolproblems phdproblems thesis womeninscience highereducation masters medicine stem biology lovescience phdadvice phdstudentsofinstagram postdoclife takamichika
When you finally get to the dissertation proposal, dissertation defense or finishing the doctoral journey people only see the end result. How many times have we seen people in their final state and wish we were at the same point! Truth is they don't see the late nights, the large amounts of coffee, the time away from family, the times you cannot participate in activities you love, all the times you wanted to quit, all the times you cried, when you had to deal with loss in the midst of everything. Just know even though they don't see it they see you and they are gaining encouragement they see it's possible. Keep Striving! Keep being a light! #phd #phdcandidates #phdstudent #onlinephdprograms #doctoralstudents #inspiration #motivation #retreat #encouragement #beinspired #bemotivated #beencouraged #keepstriving #100daysofdissertation #academia #dissertation #dissertating #bealight #grind #worth #disserationproposal #dissertationdefense #push #finsihed #phinished #lifeofaphd #phdchat #phdlife
Back in the lab! ⚕️
My PIPS internship in Kenya, Africa may now be over but you can still read all about my adventures on my blog - ✍️
Thank you to all who have had a chance to give it a read so far, I appreciate your support and I hope you enjoyed experiencing a little taste of my time out in Africa
#PhDLife #phdchat #PhDStudent #PhD #PhDCandidate #stemlife #STEMCHAT #stem #biology #gradschool #postgrad #science #scientistsofinstagram #InstaScience #scicomm #365DaysofScience #bacteria #ResearchLife #Research #myjob #Laboratory #Experiment #scientist #Microbiology #norwich #uk #england #Kenya #blog #Africa
Day 45: Back in the office today after a busy few conference days. It's Saturday, but I'm keen to start to see some tangible products of all of the thoughts I've been having recently, so I've come in for a bit to see what I can produce (plus it's raining anyway!). I don't know if this is common, but I always find myself second guessing any ideas that I have (if it's a good idea, why hasn't it been done before!?) but the last couple of days has made me think, maybe I should just give them a go and see what happens - nothing ventured, nothing gained right!? ♀️ (Pic: A little note of self-encouragement inspired by a meme I once saw which has forever since stuck in my mind ) #100daysofdissertation
#phdjourney #phd #phdchat #phdlife #gradstudent #gradschool #gradschoolproblems #thesis
Reviewers are scary...
#science #academia #phd #phdchat #phdlife #phdstudent #gradschool #gradstudent #biology #biologist #research #researcher #university #postdoc #experiment #scientist #lab #lablife #scientistlife #stem #careerinstem #careerinscience #sciencelover #sciencenerd #sciencegeek #scienceiscool #publishordie #sciencememes #gradschoolmemes #phdmemes
What kind of biologist are you? Tag yourself!
#biology #biologist #molecularbiologist #microbiologist #microbiology #molecularbiology #phd #lab #experiment #phdchat #phdstudent #laboratory #research #researcher #gradstudent #gradschool #biologymemes #lifesciences #sciencememes #scientist #science
What's the latest thing you tried explaining to someone without them asking?
#dna #rna #science #scientist #sciencememes #sciencehumor #biology #phd #phdmemes #biologymemes #biologist #molecularbiology #phdstudent #phdchat #gradstudent #gradschool #sciencerules #scicomm #sciencecommunication #scienceeducation #instascience
Which part of the process are you currently in?
#thursdaythoughts #academia #university #research #phd #postdoc #gradstudent #phdchat #phdlife #science #scientist #researcher #scientist #sciencememes #phdmemes #biologymemes #biologist #gradschoolmemes #gradschool #undergrad #lab #lablife #experiment #laboratory #scientistlife #lifeofascientist #biology