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The boys are Malaysia Youth Cup Champions! ⚽️
4 years ago I saw 4 boys who loves playing football, I challenged them to #WriteTheFuture.
Today, the 4 guys are the best Youth Players in Malaysia and they wrote the future.
Many will not see how far they’ve come and what it takes for them to reach this day. I’m proud to be able to witness that journey.
If there’s one thing that hasn’t change, it has to be their passion for the beautiful game of football.
Congratulations @sunil_chandran99, @shivanronaldo, @rajaimranshah & @ravinesh_ on going against all odds, what a journey, what a player.
The best is yet to come!
#FAM #PialaBelia #TheRedAnts #FightAll #FearNone #PKNSFC #Champions
Selangor 1-2 Perak
Meskipun bermain dengan baik, namun skuad muda Selangor gagal untuk meraih kemenangan selepas tewas 1-2 kepada pasukan Perak dalam pertemuan Piala Belia semalam.
Semoga selepas ini Young Giants akan kembali bangkit untuk mencari 3 mata penuh! ❤ .
: @frs_hdzq