pilatesdance pilates pilateslovers pilatesinstructor pilatesmatwork effetpilates pilatesfitness pilatesmat pilatesstudio pilatestraining abdominaux muscles pilatesday pilatesfordancers pilatesbody pilatesforever pilatestime assouplissement minceur pilatesfit renforcement sport balletpilates body laciotat matpilates pilatesfun pilateslove pilateslover pilatesman enero
Clases de pilates suelo y maquinas adaptadas a tu momento y con vistas a progresar en tu movimiento.
#contrology #pilatessuelo #valores #pilatesimovimentconscient
#pilatesmovimientoconsciente#pilatesmat #pilatesbarcelona #pilatesdance #pilates #polestarpilates #pilatesteacher #matpilates #pilatesinstructor #profedepilates
Marta Duró @marta_danzapilates
#tbt Dessas aulas incríveis com a @danceepilates nas minhas últimas férias em São Paulo. Não posso esperar para ter isso tudo de novo ♥️ Aliás vem coisa boa por aqui no @artgeperes e eu to louca pra contar pra vcs !
Porque afinal de contas a gente ama cuidar do corpo, não é mesmo ?!
#tbt From these amazing classes by @danceepilates on my last vacations in São Paulo. I can’t wait to be there very soon again ! News are coming here for the next semester and I can’t wait to share it to you ♥️
#powerbody #pilates #pilatesbody #pilatesdance #danceepilates #focusonyourself
Happy Monday Everyone
Who has a day off today I brought you a fun #pilatesdance flow Some cues that might be helpful:
Pull your shoulders and shoulder blades down Pull your navel towards your spine and rip cages Think from your center. Every body part moves from there
Think long! You are super long from you finders to your toes Have fun and enjoy your week ________________
Csodás Hétfőt Mindenkinek!
Élvezitek a szabadnapot? A mai napra egy szuper jó Pilates Dance Flow-t hoztam Nektek
Néhány tipp:
Köldöködet húzd a gerinced felé és enyhén a bordàk irànyàba
Vàllaid és lapockàid húzd lefelé, tartsd őket a füleidtől tàvol
Gondolkodj a centrumodból, hisz minden onnan indul ki
Gondolj arra, hogy hosszú vagy! Az ujjaktól a làbujjakig.
Hajrá és szép hetet!
Help Everyone, how are you today?
I brought you a fun balance exercise that also improves your legs and core.
Shall we?
Some cues that might be helpful: Pull your navel towards your spine and rip cages Pull your shoulders and shoulder blades down Take a big step back, so your knee that is in front of you will be exactly above your ankle while your are bending it
Think about your center and think from your center. Every body part moves from there
You are more than welcome to use heavier weights, or non Have fun and enjoy your day
E o #tbt de hj é da minha primeira coreografia com a melhor Dance Coach ♀️mamis @elainecasarini ❤️❤️❤️#dancecoach #danca #aulapersonalizada #dance #pilatesdance #flexibilidade #força #resistencia #equilibrio #postura #tecnica #ritmo #musica #shapeofyou #edsheran #singer #ballet #bailarina #elainecasarini #atrizmirim #isacasarini
Quando se trabalha com pessoas,ser ,no sentido de usar sua essência e se comprometer em contribuir com a qualidade de vida ,faz toda a diferença quando se fala de ganhos e resultados. E hoje o trabalho de equilíbrio e deslocamento foi com a participação especial de Dominguinhos.
@sophiasilveiraerel @saraherel