plasticfreeforthesea plasticfree plasticfreejuly zerowaste plasticfreeliving plasticfreeoceans plasticpollution bethechange saynotoplastic savetheplanet sustainableliving ecofriendly plasticsucks sustainability zerowastejourney zerowasteliving inspirechange nomoreplastic sustainable ecolifestyle lesswaste noplastic plastic plasticfreejuly2019 refill greenliving planetorplastic recycle saveourplanet savetheocean cleanthebeach
#repost @ecolocoau ... Wake up humans! Our planet needs our help #plasticocean #plasticfree #endplasticpollution #plasticpollution #plasticfreeforthesea #plasticwaste #plasticfreeoceans #saveourenvironment #saveourplanet #planetorplastic #goodbyeplastic #reducereuserecycle #reduceplasticwaste #wastefreeliving #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #sustainableliving
I posted a new video all about the #plasticfreejuly challenge! Who’s joining me?! ♻️
In short: for the month of July, challenge yourself to refuse single-use plastics (straws, plastic cutlery, plastic cups/bottles, plastic bags, etc.) as a way to lower your overall plastic consumption + contribution to our growing plastic pollution crisis.
To hold myself accountable + help motivate others, I’ll be resuming my weekly vlogging! I’ll also be uploading videos about my overall low-waste lifestyle. If there are any specific topics you’re interested in learning about or need ideas for, let me know! ✨
@dwyanewade's cousin, @antoinewade__ has launched a deodorant that offers a way to swap scents while reducing waste.
#plasticphobia #zerowaste #zerowasteuk #plasticfree #climatechange #nowaste #zerowastelife #ecolifestyle #goingzerowaste #zerowasteliving #lesswaste #zerowastejourney #saynotosingleuse #passonplastic #plasticfreeliving #zerowastehome #waronwaste #lifewithoutplastic #plasticfreeoceans #reduceplastic #nomoreplastic #plasticfreeforthesea #zeroplastic #plasticpollution #recycle #noplastic #sustainableliving #sustainable
Sustainability is NOT one-size-fits-all.
There’s no ONE solution.
Zero waste might not be an option for you. Walking/ bike riding might not be viable. Eating organic might not be in your budget.
Don’t let the internet make you feel guilty.
Try YOUR best.
It’s easy to compare.
Know that your actions, no matter how small have an impact. Don’t let perfection discourage you from even trying.
Take it at your own pace.
You do you, bud ✨ what’s one thing you can do for the earth? #plasticfreejuly
Fun, not so fun, fact: I live in Pinellas county which has the highest rate of fatal bike accidents in the country.
#noplanetb #bethechange #savetheplanet #climateaction #extinctionrebellion #gogreen
#designforchange #designforgood #designforimpact #bethechange
#plasticfreeforthesea #planetorplastic
#mindfullysustainable #lowwasteliving #lowimpactmovement #wastefreeliving #environmentallyfriendly #ecofriendly #zerowaste #smallsustainablesteps #smallsteps #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #reducereuserecycle
#waronwaste #waronwasteau #slowliving #thetimeisnow #climateemergency #listentothis @hippyswiggy
2009 VERSUS 2019: Bye-Bye Plastikschwämme. Ihr könnt sie ganz einfach ersetzen durch nachhaltige Alternativen. Denn diese Plastikschwämme verursachen einen Riesenberg an Plastikmüll. Alle paar Wochen werden sie weg geschmissen, wobei „WEG“ ja nicht wirklich weg ist. Weltweit werden nur ca. 1% des Plastikmülls recycled. Bei uns ist Rate schon höher, aber über die genaue Höhe scheiden sich die Geister. Fakt ist, daß der Großteil der von uns so artig sortierten Wertstoffe am Ende verbrannt wird
Ich persönlich bin großer Fan dieser Kupferschwämme. Meist nutze ich zum Abwaschen einen Baumwoll-Lappen und bei hartnäckigem Schmutz komme ich damit nicht weit. Die Kupferschwämme halten eine Ewigkeit und sind aus 100% Kupfer. Sie können somit gut recycled werden. Super ist auch der Kokos-„Schrubber“. Er wird aus Rest-Kokosfasern hergestellt und 100% natürlich.
Schaut mal vorbei: www.ULTRA-GREEN.DE
#plastikfrei #nachhaltigkeit #stopplastic #stopplasticpollution #diewocheaufinstagram #sustainability #nachhaltig #plastikfreileben #lowimpactmovement #zerowastemovement #lowimpactlifestyle #sustainable #plasticfreemovement #zerowastelifestyle #slowliving #zerowastetips #unverpackt #plasticfreetips #plasticfreeforthesea #greenproducts #zerowastegermany #zerowastecommunity #reducereuserecycle #ecolifestyle #lesswaste #supportyourlocalplanet #umweltfreundlich #zerowastehaushalt #zerowasteküche #plastikfreieküche
I feel like this shouldn't need to be said... and yet I feel that it needs to be said . I just don't think that judging others or piling on the guilt to those just starting out on their journey, or anyone who has only made a couple of changes is an effective or productive way to inspire change.☹️ I try my best to keep this space guilt-free✨ and judgement-free✨because I remember all of the things I used to do that now make me cringe , I remember how hard it was to start out , and I'm aware of all the things that I still do that are no way near perfect . But I'm also aware that in the last 7 years, I've changed a lot of things for the better . (And we are talking years! There was no 30 days to zero waste for me.️) So if you're doing your first Plastic Free July and you haven't yet single-handedly got rid of all the single-use and other plastic from your life , read up on the circular economy♻️, given considerable thought to the merits of going vegan and petitioned your local politician to make changes at a legislative level, that's exactly as I would expect it to be.✔️ In fact, if the only things you've managed to do so far are leave your reusable shopping bags in the car and forget to refuse the plastic straw , that's totally okay, in my view. Because you're aware and you're trying, and that is what is important. And you're going to try again tomorrow, right?! It's all going to get easier, and you'll learn so much, and you'll change your habits in time at a pace that works for you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with starting small. Starting small doesn't have to mean staying small, and anyways, one person's 'small' is another person's 'huge amount of effort'. Just because something is easy for me, that doesn't mean it will be easy for you (and vice versa). If all you change at the beginning is one thing, then that's one thing to be proud of. There'll be another thing you can change, when you're ready. And we're here cheering you on
2 days into Plastic Free July and we're here with tip #2!
Build up your reusable arsenal with alternatives to single-use plastic that can be used again and again. We're big fans of reusable glass and metal lunch containers - they're great for leftovers, lunch, and meal prep. While you're at it, keep a set of metal utensils in your bag or at your desk.
Keep glass jars instead of recycling them. They're great for storing food and buying in bulk at the grocery store. Small glass jars are a great way to pack salad dressing with your lunch on the go!
What's your favorite reusable container tip?
#plasticfreejuly #reducerecyclereuse #saynotosingleuseplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelife #saveouroceans #plasticfree #plasticpollution #plasticfreeforthesea
One year ago I posted this little turtle. Thinking back to then a lot has changed. Plastic pollution was getting nowhere near the media coverage it is now. @extinctionrebellion wasn't around. Yes we only have ~11 years to turn this ship around but hopefully the changes that we have seen this year carry on increasing exponentially. I am hopeful. .
Are you hopeful? .
#climatecrisis #extinctionrebellion #plasticpollution #environmentalawareness #zerowaste #climateneutral