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Обворожительная Rika Kihira
#mariahbell #iceskating #figureskating #laybackspin #camelspin #beilman #figureskater #iceskater #teamraf #shaelynnbourne #ludovicoeinaudi #divenire #plusfiveapparel #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #isufigureskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018 #zhiyuntech #zhiyungimbal
У Jason Brown прекрасная растяжка И не пишите ,что это не так
#mariahbell #iceskating #figureskating #laybackspin #camelspin #beilman #figureskater #iceskater #teamraf #shaelynnbourne #ludovicoeinaudi #divenire #plusfiveapparel #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #isufigureskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018 #zhiyuntech #zhiyungimbal
Кантилевер в исполнении Вероники Жилиной
.#mariahbell #iceskating #figureskating #laybackspin #camelspin #beilman #figureskater #iceskater #teamraf #shaelynnbourne #ludovicoeinaudi #divenire #plusfiveapparel #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #isufigureskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018 #zhiyuntech #zhiyungimbal
Glacier Falls 2k18✔️ A weekend filled with laughter, friends, and a whole lot of screaming❤️ Thank you Derrick, Peter, Jere, and Coach Ryu for all of your help and support this weekend! Another thank you to all of my friends who were there to scream for me and hug me after. -
@iskateriedell #iskateriedell #teamriedell @johnwilsonblades #johnwilsonblades #goldseal @mkblades #mkblades @shinyhandz #shinyhandz @plusfiveapparel #plusfiveapparel @rockyourhair @nicolerockyourhair #rockyourhair #ryhsquad #ryhfamily @jaclynhill #jaclynhill #jaclynhillpalette #morphe
Acceleration camp✔️✨ Three days worth of incredible experiences in a great facility. Thank you @usfigureskating for putting this together and for providing the opportunity for us to learn and better out skating from the people we look up to. And thank you to all the volunteers, team leaders, instructors, coach’s assistants, and all the employees at @greatparkice for making this weekend possible. I am so grateful for these opportunities and for all the people I met in the process, friends and faculty, and hope to participate again next season!! -
@iskateriedell #iskateriedell #teamriedell #1375goldstars @johnwilsonblades @mkblades #johnwilsonblades #mkblades #goldseal @shinyhandz #shinyhandz @plusfiveapparel #plusfiveapparel #perfectionisanattitude @rockerzskateguards #rockerzskateguards @rockyourhair #rockyourhair #ryh @teamusa
#mariahbell #iceskating #figureskating #laybackspin #camelspin #beilman #figureskater #iceskater #teamraf #shaelynnbourne #ludovicoeinaudi #divenire #plusfiveapparel #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #isufigureskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018 #zhiyuntech #zhiyungimbal
Одно из сложных вращений фигурного катания ❗
#mariahbell #iceskating #figureskating #laybackspin #camelspin #beilman #figureskater #iceskater #teamraf #shaelynnbourne #ludovicoeinaudi #divenire #plusfiveapparel #icedance #icedancing #icedancer #isufigureskating #pattinaggioartistico #starsonice #oniceperspectives #winterolympics #patinaje #patinage #patinajeartistico #patinageartistique #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #pyeongchang2018 #zhiyuntech #zhiyungimbal