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Happy Motivated Monday everyone! As a child, we took risks all the time, from standing for the first time, learning how to say our first word after a billion tries, to making our first connection on the playground. Yet as people age they forget just how important that risk-taking is. In this episode, I discuss the reason why so many people struggle to grow and build their next chapter.
It would mean the world if you could give it a listen - link in my bio. I hope you all have an amazing week ❤️
iTunes | Spotify | Google Play
Link in Bio to listen to the full episode. T Kira Madden wrote the memoir: Long Live The Tribe of Fatherless Girls. One of my favourite discussions ever. Check it out by going to my profile and clicking on the link. You can listen and subscribe from there! Also available on iTunes and Spotify.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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No matter how “big” you feel remember to always stay grounded. The micros are what lead us to our success. Remember where you came from, who believed in you, who supported you. But, most importantly always remember to help those venturing through their journey.
Seeing those around me succeed in their endeavors puts the biggest smile on my face. It makes my days. For those pushing every second, working late nights, giving it everything... you’ve got this
iTunes | Spotify | Google Play
Happy Motivated Monday everyone! Too many put up a wall when handed feedback. The moment you shut down and build that wall is the moment you start losing. Building a bridge from feedback allows continued success. In this episode I breakdown four tactics to allow that feedback to build you as opposed to consuming you.
It would mean the world if you could give it a listen - link in my bio. I hope you all have an amazing week
iTunes | Spotify | Google Play
Happy Motivated Monday everyone! It’s simple to say you want success, but are you willing to make sacrifices? We currently live in a world where most consume more than they financially can cover. People are spending to keep up with friends and their neighbors and losing sight of the long term. In this episode, I discuss those spending habits and how compounded it’s doing more harm than good.
It would mean the world if you could give it a listen - link in my bio. I hope you all have an amazing week ❤️
iTunes | Spotify | Google Play
[Unbeauftragte Werbung da Markennennung]
Das sind übrigens die Waschlappen von @tanja_steinbach die Frau @feierabendfrickeleien fleißig gewerkelt hat. Dabei hat sie Frau @jetztkochtsieauchnoch mit der Only Cotton von @lanagrossa ziemlich in den Ohren gelegen - die muss die nämlich unbedingt mal ausprobieren, weil geil und weich!
Happy Motivated Monday everyone. I just dropped a new episode and did something a little different! I go on more of a rant as opposed to a how-to. I discuss auditing yourself, understanding your strengths and weaknesses and truly being self aware.
It would mean the world if you could give it a listen - link in my bio. I hope you all crush the week, I absolutely love you all! ❤️
iTunes | Spotify | Google Play
Holt die Federboa aus der Mottenkiste und staubt das Glitzerkonfetti ab: ab 1. Juni ist es wieder so weit!
Ihr wolltet es so und die Frickler lassen sich nicht lange bitten. Der #paillettenperlenplunderFAL geht in die zweite Runde.
Den ganzen Juni über wird geklützat, gefedert und geplundert was das Zeug hält. Ihr erinnert euch bestimmt an letztes Jahr: der Frickelalong umfasst alle Handarbeiten, ihr könnt stricken, häkeln, nähen, löten, Makramee fummeln und was euch sonst noch so einfällt. Hauptsache, ihr habt Spaß und euer Projekt passt zum Motto #paillettenperlenplunder (hier sind wir aber nicht streng - seid einfach kreativ!).
Um euch die Zeit bis zum 1. Juni zu verkürzen werden wir euch hier ab nächster Woche unsere Glitzergeber-Sponsoren und die tollen Wochenpaten vorstellen. Die Patent haben sich ganz tolle Projekte für euch zum Nachmachen ausgedacht. Seid gespannt!
Und jetzt wollen wir wissen, ob ihr beim #frickelalong mitmacht und ob ihr schon ein Projekt geplant habt.
Yesterday our podcast turned 5 years old! We are so appreciative of our listeners that helped get us to where we are today. THANK YOU!
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In case you haven’t heard, the Budget-Minded Traveler Podcast is now called JUMP Podcast, but it still has all the great travel stories, tips, and inspiration you’ve come to expect. Link in bio to all episodes.
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