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|Holly| I wanted to share my new favorite spot in our home. Each time I walk through this hallway I smile. I bought these “Botanicum” posters ages ago because I wanted to hang the prints but couldn’t bare to cut my book apart. When the posters arrived I had big intentions, but then I got caught up in wanting to hang them just right. Instead of enjoying the prints they sat on my shelf for two years because I got stuck in the details. Last week, I threw caution to the wind, grabbed a roll of painters tape, and mounted them straight to the wall. I love it and only wish I’d done it sooner!
Do you have something “sitting on your shelf?” Something you’ve been meaning to get to but feel overwhelmed on where to begin? Nature study journals? A foreign language program? A new practice you’d like to add to your routine? Spring is a time of change, refreshment, and renewal. May I enthusiastically recommend that you “grab your roll if painters tape” and just go for it! You never know what you’re missing out on until you jump in and make it happen! #hdholly #naturestudies #botanicalprints #homeschoolmama #homelibrary
Tag that girl♥️
Quote Credits: @thatboiiboricua
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. @payal_singh_g .
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No one can ever replace you.❤️
Quote Credits: @iloveuofficial .
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Everytime she looks at me, My heart melts like ice-cream❤️
Quote Credits: @its_dr_shardul
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What do we learn from the world when we pause and take notice of it? The ocean shows us how to “travel far and wide” and “see all there is to see.” The moon shows us that even when we change, we’re still us. From Tree to Sea is the loveliest reminder to take a slow, serene deep breath and ask ourselves what little and big ideas that nature, in all its nuanced beauty, has to tell us.
From Tree to Sea was written by Shelley Moore Thomas (@storyqueen), illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal (@csilasneal) and published by Paula Wiseman Books (@simonkids).
Time to share a few of my favorite things!
Some of my favorite gifts this year were (of course) books! My daughter was gifted this AGG cookbook, along with a custom apron and chefs hat. ☺️ She’s already bookmarked which recipe we’ll have for our next tea time!
I’ve been pouring over the English farmhouse book and reveling in its perfectly imperfect style. I also got a new pair of English wellies for our nature walks!
Please share anything you’re excited about too!
#anglophile #starbaker #anneofgreengables #annewithane #teatime #kidslit #poetryteatime #baking #charlottemason #reading #poetrywithkids #evergreenteatimes #raisingreaders #readaloudrevival #childhoodunplugged #childrenscookbook #homeschool #homeeducation #wildandfree #wildandfreechildren #welovereading #littlereader #charlottemasonliving #englishfarmhouse