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Besides the shelves, this 3D-printed point of purchase display by printHpole was the first addition to a new MLB fashion store. Can you guess the type of paint they used? Sweet!
#printPpole #largeformat3dprinting #massivit3d #massivit #pointofpurchase #retailmarketing #instoredisplays #3dprinting #3dprintedbaseballplayer #massivit1800 #displays
#awesomedisplays #candypaint
This enormous burger is a combination of foam and large format 3D printing. Look carefully. Can you guess which parts were 3D-printed on the Massivit 1800 3D printer?
#foamcarving #3dprinting #largeformat3dprinting #3dprintedburger #3dprintedhamburger #3dprintedcheeseburger #massivit #massivit3d #massivit1800 #popdisplay #pointofpurchase #pointofpurchasedisplay #mediaresources #giantburger #creativeadvertising #Fabrication #movieprops #3dprintedprops
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Kolleginnen und Kollegen bei @bonprixDE, die vergangene Woche mit dem POPAI DACH Award in der Kategorie „Best Digital Integration" für #fashionconnect ausgezeichnet wurden! Mit Bonprix freut sich hier Nicole Srock (links), Co-Gründerin der dan pearlman Group. #popaiawards #award #indianer #bonprixpilotstore #bonprix #hamburg #ottogroup #event #onstage #preisverleihung #congratulations #popai #ig_deutschland #wearefamily #pointofpurchase #advertising #international #global #networking #teamwork #marketing #digitalisierung #digital #integration #shopping #handel #fashionconnect #pilotstore @bonprix @bonprix_insights @danpearlman
Make your brand stand out!!! @themrlgroup Bottle neckers here, bottle neckers there, bottle neckers everywhere .
#coupon #coffee #kombucha #caffeine #juice #tonicwater #water #beverage #pinacolada #pointofsale #pointofpurchase #brand #lacroix #spindrift #champagne #brandy #rum #brandbuilding #brandbuilder #marketing #promotion #summer #summerdrink #give #save #stand #out