pokemonpins pokemon enamelpins pinstagram pingamestrong enamelpin pincollection pingame pincollector pins pinaddict pinsofig pincommunity pinsofinstagram pokemonpin lapelpin pokemongo pinlover pinlife pokemonart pikachu pincollecting pinflair pingameproper pokemoncards cutepins etsy pindesign pinmaker блинпуэрростов
These two were the most popular out of all my dangle tail Pokemon! And TBH, I love them, too!
A reminder that my Pokemon AND Harry Potter pins will be LIVE on my shop on July 5th at 5PM CST.
#enamelpin #enamelpins #enamelpingame #enamelpindesign #pin #pins #pincollector #pinaddict #pincommunity #pinstagram #pinsofinstagram #pinsofig #pingame #pingamestrong #pinlover #pinmaker #pinspinspins #pindesign #pinflair #pingameproper #sugarcubedstudios #vulpix #ninetales #pokemon #pokemonpins #fox #kitsune #animepins #otakupins
@lynchannn inspired me to organize my collection in rainbow fashion!
I successfully filled a large cork board! Now it’s time to fill another one! How do you display your pins?
I tagged as many makers as possible! Drop a comment if have a question about a pin!
#pins #pin #pinboard #pinboards #pincollection #pincollecting #pincollector #pincollectors #pinflair #pinsofig #pinsofinstagram #rainbowaesthetic #cutepins #kawaiipins #pinaddict #pinaddiction #pingame #pingameproper #pingamestrong #pinstagram #pokemonpins #pinart
wild C H O N K Y B O I S have appeared!! they will be available for capture (sale ) at Artist Alley table F39 at Anime Expo in Los Angeles, CA!! These pins came out pretty big, so I’ll also be releasing a second (smaller) edition online after AX & Ota!! :3
I got medallions. How bout you? ✨
I don’t have any art to post today so here’s a pic of every pokemedallion I’ve made to date!
I’ve been loving this series so much and thank you for your support on these!
It was my solution to making my crazy designs smaller and less expensive to produce
Is there anyone you’d like to see squished into a medallion? It can be from other fandoms too!
I’m thinking of some Digimedallions possibly? Since many of you were asking for Digimon stuff
Also I’m putting up preorders for restocks of old designs that are high in demand. LMK in the comments which ones you’d like to see back in the shop!
#pingameproper #pincommunity #pingamestrong #pinmaker #pokemonpin #pokemonpins #pokemonart #pokemonartist #pincollector #pinflair #kawaiipin #kawaiipins #pincollection #illustration #cutepins