polytechimplants breastaugmentation plasticsurgery polytech polytechhealth beauty plasticsurgeon polytechpolska breastimplants cosmeticsurgery breastimplant siliconeimplants имплантантыполитех пластическаяхрургия bezpieczenstwo chirurgiaestetyczna chirurgiaplastyczna czujsiebezpieczna health implantypiersi implantypolytech operacjeplastyczne powiekszaniebiustu powiekszaniepiersi uroda boobjob пластическийхирург breastlift bodycontouring mastopexy breastimplant
6:00 утра в Москве! Но команда POLYTECH готова к вылету в Брюссель на Международный Конгресс по пластической хирургии CATBBAS, организованный др. #Moustapha Hamdi. Новые знания! Инновации и последние новости из первых уст! #polytech#polytechimplants #bmatrix#madeingermany #qualityyoucanfeel #dr.marinicheva#dr.galiamollaeva#dr.kachina#dr.meladze#dr.savelev#dr.uvarova#dr.blinova#dr.kochetkov#dr.filippov#dr.egorov#dr.plotnikov#dr.savun#dr.stepanyantz#dr.borisenko#dr.fursov##dr.moustaphahamdi
I am already in Shanghai. 5 days entirely, 3 intense days of presentations. I will talk about surgical techniques for ptotic breasts, the tools I use for better results, from aesthetic, safety and stability point of view. Today I will present a history of breast implants, the innovation of Polytech prosthesis, and mastopexy augmentation with internal sutures. In China are about 400000 breast implant operations per year, and 30% of these are made with @polytechhealth prosthesis. Given the anatomy of women in Far East, with small breasts, the number of these surgical interventions grows year after year. The market forecasts announce that in a few years, 50% of these will be made with Polytech implants, and I cannot be but proud to represent them as specialist who developed them, and ambassador.
#DrConstantinStan #Shanghai #plasticsurgeon #plasticsurgery #polytechimplants #breastimplants #speaker #breastaugmentation #safety #stability #breasts #women
We’re starting the week looking for the best choice for our patients. We’re planning breast reconstruction and revision of a double breast reconstruction. We used to listen our patients’ desires and we choose the best implants and the right techniques for them.
Iniziamo la settimana cercando la migliore soluzione per le nostre pazienti. Stiamo pianificando una ricostruzione mammaria e una revisione di ricostruzione mammaria bilaterale. L’obiettivo è di ascoltare attentamente i desideri della paziente per poi scegliere le migliori protesi e le giuste tecniche chirurgiche.
#chirurgiaplastica #plasticsurgery #chirurgiaplasticamilano #breastimplants #breastreconstruction #breastcancer #milano #piacenza #lodi #pavia #voghera #polytech #allergan #polytechimplants #allerganimplants #drlucarosato
Implanty Polytech pozwolą Ci osiągnąć naturalny kształt piersi #Polytech #ImplantyPolytech #PolytechImplants #PolytechHealth #ImplantyPiersi #PowiekszaniePiersi #PowiekszanieBiustu #OperacjePlastyczne #ChirurgiaPlastyczna #ChirurgiaEstetyczna #Uroda #Bezpieczenstwo #PolytechPolska #Beauty #PlasticSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #BreastImplants #BreastAugmentation #PlasticSurgeon #CzujSieBezpieczna
Bükreş’te @dr.stanconstantin in muhteşem kliniğinde harika 3 gün geçirdik.
25 yıllık #memeestetiği tecrübesini bizlerle paylaştı. 5 adet canlı #memeprotezi ameliyatını ve çok sayıda ameliyat videolarını izleme şansını yakaladık. Şimdi Eve dönme zamanı. Bizi çok iyi ağırlayan @sanovissaglik ve @serkan_yuksel1 e ayrıca teşekkür ederiz.
#memeestetiği #polytechimplants #augmentationmamoplasty #estetikizmir #opdrturkerustun #memeprotezi #izmir #memedikleştirme #izmirestetik