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This routine is an absolute killer for legs and gluteus, your legs will shake afterwards,
Try 8 of everything and you’ll see what I mean!
✅You won’t need a barre to do this, hold onto somewhere sturdy or use a chair.
✅Keep your core engaged throughout.
Have a great day!
Bu barre rutini kesinlikle bacak ve kalçaları öldürür!
Bitince bacaklarınız titreyecek benden söylemesi,
Her hareketten 8 tekrar deneyin ne demek istediğimi anlayacaksınız!
Gününüz harika geçsin!
✅Barre a ihtiyacınız yok sağlam bir yere veya sandalyeye tutunarak yapabilirsiniz.
✅Karın sürekli sıkı
#hilalleighpilates #gununegzersizi
It’s all fun and games...
Until you realize “little” 3lb weights get REAL heavy REAL fast This upper body workout had my good friend @kirwan2 and me both feelin’ like we had Madonna arms afterwards (and it was only 18 minutes long)! Good news... you all can do this workout with me tomorrow when it goes up on #rlgfitnessonline Not yet a member?! **EDIT: All workouts have been claimed. If you still want to give this one a try, I offer a 3 day free trial and you’ll have access to over 100 workouts **
TAG 2 friends below and I’ll send you this workout to try for free (limit: 40 people) Ready...GO!
#madonnaarms #rlgfitness #homeworkouts #shortworkouts #upperbodyworkouts #postpartumworkout #postpartumfitness #postnatalfitness #momworkout #fitmomsofig #armworkout
Balancing work, self care (own training sessions) and family is a challenge for me, especially since this little one takes up most of my time now. But I’m trying to focus on the now, the important bits of life, rather than rushing through the journey without enjoying the moments. Take a step back and prioritise, focus on what’s important and not what’s urgent ❤️ #4monthspostpartum (almost 4.5 now in fact!) .
#fitmom #fitmum #fitmomlife #personaltrainer #personaltrainerkl #postpartumbody #postnatalfitness #postpartumweightloss #postpartum #fitnessmom #like4likes #followfitness #lifequotes #fitnessmotivation #gymmom #gymlife
There were times in my life where I wouldn’t wear shorts, skirts or a bikini! I was afraid to show my legs and covered them with leggings, jeans and long dresses.
You see - I’ve been working in the fitness industry pretty much my entire adult life and was constantly bombarded with marketing as per what “women should look like!” It wasn’t until I started working as a “diet coach” for a supplement company, where I truly faced the ugly side of dieting.... Polished photos, extreme diets and insane fitness regime was the “norm!”
. thing remained consistent - results SIMPLY DID NOT last. Once the extreme dieting phase ended, so did the weight loss. But, here’s what it was replaced with; hormone havoc, metabolic disfunction, digestion upset and a severe case of body paranoia. It was truly sad to witness. I too fell victim to this train of thought.
I wasted years hating my body, under eating and over training! Looking back, I wish I would have proclaimed my body for the true amazing work of art it was! I wish I would have worn the shorts, the skirts and the bikini!
For those of us with little ones, especially girls - please remember that THEY ARE WATCHING YOU! They are mirroring you! You are the eyes to the outside world! The messages you portray about healthy living will affect them for years to come!
My IG used to be full of super lean women, so much so that I use to think having six pack was normal. It often made me feel like a failure because that's simply not what reflected back in the mirror. My body is strong and healthy, and I’ve had 4 KIDS! I eat healthy, I train because I love my body, and most importantly I want to show my daughters that body confidence is the greatest gift we can give ourselves!
Never let someone else's "normal" make you feel like you're not enough as you are. SO, starting NOW, I encourage you to detox your feed! LOOK for those who light you up, add value, empower and encourage! At the end of the day, YOU ARE THE ONLY one who can distinguish between those who are bringing you up and those who are bringing you down!
Give me a ♀️if you agree!
What a fun fitness TV segment! Thanks @studio10au We talked posture perfecting, core restoration, booty sculpting, etc. ✅ We demonstrated several exercises that can be done with little to no equipment. @strongsexymammas #strongsexymammas @angelabishop10 @cassthorburn @studio10au @10styling @channel10au #postnatalfitness #womensfitness #postnatalfitnessspecialist #womensonlyfitness
I’m pretty sure my kids think I’m a COMPLETE NUT.....
And I’m pretty sure they’re not wrong ♀️ Some days you just need turn on music, dance around like a fool, and get your body movin’ however you can!
Whether you have kiddos at home that keep you busy 24/7 or there just never seems to be enough hours in the day, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need fancy equipment or tons of time to break a sweat Just start moving however you can for however long you can and see how big of a difference a little bit of movement can make! And if you’re sitting there right now thinking, “I can’t motivate myself” or “I don’t even know where to start,” I have good news for you! My online workouts and yoga flows are only 10-35 minutes, easy to follow, and you don’t even need to leave your house to do them [Give them a try for 3 days free by clicking the link in my bio ] #rlgfitnessonline
#homeworkouts #rlgfitness #shortworkouts #workingoutwithkids #postpartumworkout #fitmomsofig #workingoutathome #dancecardio #momlife #postnatalfitness
✅DO THIS MOVE! ✅ I call these plank singles and while they have been extremely helpful with my postpartum core recovery after both babies (in healing post C section with # 1 and in healing my #diastisisrecti after #2), I do them with all my clients. Such a great core move for EVERYONE. The idea is lifting up from your center on the exhale (belly breath), while pulling your deep core and pelvic floor up and in. Not pushing through your elbows or toes or knees, and not using momentum—- your core is doing the work. Take it SLOW and trust me, you’ll feel the difference! .
Shown here in 3 levels, sound on for more instruction. Start with Level 1 if you are newly postpartum, in the beginning stages of healing diastasis recti, or new to exercise. Level 2 is is a more intermediate move, generally safe for DR if you can create tension in your core and it feels okay. Level 3 is the most advanced version, but SO good for anyone doing planks who wants to up their core game (as in, ALL of us, right?)
This is part of my newest release on my @youtube channel, 15 Minute Postnatal Core 2 (links in stories!) great did anyone postpartum (with DR options), but a more intermediate/advanced video for strengthening your core after babies. Remember, even with DR, we want to progressively overload our muscles to get stronger and see and feel the change. .
Try this and tell me what you think! .
#bodyfitbyamy #babyfitbyamy #coreworkout #workoutvideo #postnatalfitness #postnatalworkout #postpartumfitness #postpartumworkout
Workout Wednesday!
Joined by my assistant Oscar #13weekspostpartum
Weighted squats to fire up the lower body.
Oscar now weighs 13 pounds.
1️⃣ weighted deep squat: Three sets of 10 reps
2️⃣ externally rotated weighted squat: Three sets of 10 reps. Kissing at the end of each rep is a necessity
3️⃣ reverse lunge with 13 pound baby can be replaced with free weights, same effect but not as cute Three sets of 10 reps on each side.
#bodybysimone #simonedelarue #workoutwednesdays #postnatalfitness #13weekspostpartum #weightedsquats
Nervous about postpartum intimacy? Once your birth provider clears you for sex, some of my favorite tips are:
1️⃣Communication (talk about it!)
2️⃣Lubrication (coconut oil is my favorite)
3️⃣Anatomy exploration with fingers first
4️⃣Perineal Massage
5️⃣Perineal stretching
7️⃣Practice opening your vagina before and during initial penetration
8️⃣Mom on top to control penetration depth
9️⃣Practice contracting your pelvic floor during intercourse (this may enhance pleasure for you and your partner)
See a pelvic therapist if pain persists
What other tips do you have friends? Happy weekend♥️Jeanice
#postpartum #postpartumsex #postpartumbody #postnatalfitness #postnatal #obgyn #midwife #doula #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloordysfunction #mypfm #mypelvicfloormuscles