powerofwill determination justice4goharshahi willpower determined quoteoftheday dailyinspiration inspirational wordstoliveby inspiration motivational goharshahi riazahmedgoharshahi spirituality inspiring quotes braveheart motivationalquotes thoughts younusalgohar enlightenment will challenge motivating academic epiphany established faith genuine higherconsciousness spalanietluszczu
Каковы отличительные признаки истинно человеческого в человеке? Разум, воля и сердце. Совершенный человек обладает силой мышления, силой воли и силой чувства. Сила мышления есть свет познания, сила воли - энергия характера, сила чувства - любовь.
#çıralı #olimpos #adrasan #antalyayoga #hanumanasana #russiaturkey #wisdom #powerofwill #yogagirl #yogaanywhere #yogaturkiye #yogaantalya
Schweigen ist manchmal der lauteste Schrei.
Doch wird das Schweigen gebrochen, können wir etwas erleben.❤☝️
Andere sagen, wer es nicht einfach und klar sagen kann, der soll schweigen und weiterarbeiten, bis er es klar sagen kann.
Wer die Stille schätzt, hat begriffen sie zu hören.
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Euch eine Gute Nacht, Ganz liebe Grüße Eure Latifa ❤
Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want.
#gym #gymshark #gymmotivation #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfreaks #fitnessboy #fitfam #fitspo #fit #happy #goals #dedicated #dedication #fitnessaddict #power #powerlifting #powerlift #powerofwill #willpower #bulk #addicted #foureyesforlife #enjoy #gym52_freiburg #latvian
Upea kokemus, paljon taas opittiin, hauskaa oli ja nautin joka hetkestä Mahtavaa oli nousta EM-lavalle, käsittämättömän mahtavaa. Raporttia, fiiliksiä ja lisää tästä reissusta myöhemmin✌ To be continued.
#teamjiipee #suomenfitnessurheilury #sfu #sfuedustus #em2019 #fitnessclassic2019 #bodyfitness #bodyfitnessjunior #powerofwill #ifbb #ifbbfamily #weareifbb #ifbbeuropeanchampionships2019 #ifbbeuropeanchampionship #europeanchampionship #santasusanna @teamjiipee @suomenfitnessurheilu @ifbb_official
Am vrut sa surprind intr-o expresie, intr-o poza, cam ce au insemnat ultimele luni pentru mine, pe plan personal.
Pe 8 martie traiam senzatia de fericire si uluire, dupa doua teste aflam ca voi fi mama. A urmat apoi confirmarea si prima data cand i-am auzit inimioara.
Ideea ca vom fi parinti s-a imprimat destul de greu parea totul inca destul de ireal.
Lucrurile au capatat apoi o viteza si o diversitatea extreme, iar trairile pe care le-am avut ar fi pe scurt asa: greata, extenuare, descumpanire, fericire, mandrie, uluire, mirare, iritare, oboseala, tristete, furie, tristete, furie, irascibilitate, vina, frica, panica, panica, panica, furie, confuzie, impacare si fericire
Daca vi se par multe emotii comprimate intr-un timp scurt asa este am avut multe peripetii, iar varianta dezvoltata cu povestea din spatele emotilor vreau sa o spun in #fridaywilltalk din aceasta saptamana ( sper eu)
Acum suntem mai bine, inca avem niste hopuri de trecut si apele mai sunt tulburi, insa bebe e bine si eu ceva mai bine. .
Ma tin totusi cu dintii de speranta pentru ca am realizat ca oricat ne-am fudulii noi ca avem controlul, ma scuzati, dar este un mare poti doar sa faci ce poti in directia pe care o doresti si sa speri, mai departe... cum se aliniaza ⭐️ .
Asadar asta va doresc azi, sa vi se alinieze toate planetele si toate astrele ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#willdiet #mypregnancy #myexperience #selfportrait #spiritualgrowth #higherconsciousness #powerofwill #healthymindset #healthymind #healthybody #holisticnutrition #mentalhealth #mentalhygene #motivation #peptalk #differentperspectives #souljourney #innerwork #spiritualawakening #spiritualthoughts #raiseyourvibration #wellnesswarrior #mindfulliving #bepresent #enjoylife