praisedance worship concert songs dance love church praiseandworship praisebreak sundayservice danzacristiana demosconlasdanzas paralagloriadedios praisegod praisethelord sunday vestidosdedanza vestimentasdedanza vestuariosdedanza flags jesus nigerian prayer sundaypraise danceon holy holygarments chocolate christians churchflow praisehim
A snippet of last night's tribute to Derrin.
My dancers really channeled him and danced their butts off!! There was an anointing on that stage!
#Share #Revelation2019 #YCDT #SupaStudio #SupaChoreo #IAmYCDT #Elevation #Transparency #YoungContemporaryDanceTheatre #SupaBlackGirl #TraciYoungByron #LiturgicalDance #PraiseDance Song by @williammurphyiii
Lets fold our hands, close our eyes, bow our heads and; let’s yeet to God. #mybeautifullightnarrowpathedfantasy
#worshipmemes #memesdaily #churchmemes #christianmemes #churchflow #churchlife #worshipteam #worshipmusic #worshipleader #memelord #memegod #enneagram #enneagrammemes #kanyememes #praisebreak #praisedance #gospelmemes #theologymemes #theology #praiseandworship