preemie micropreemie nicu baby preemiebaby preemiestrong nicubaby prematurebaby momlife nicugrad nicumom preemiepower babygirl babyboy love motherhood preemieawareness 23weeker family newborn nicugraduate nicustrong preemiemom chroniclungdisease fashion fightlikeapreemie momblogger nicuawareness prematurity twins ahandcraftedwarrior
Trying to find things to wear at 35 weeks pregnant is difficult, but we cleaned up well for a special occasion! I was pampered with my hair, make up and nails done as I was one of 10 nominees for the prestigious Athena Award in my community. It was a beautiful night seeing my husband, my work family and friends cheering me on and very humbling to stand alongside so many accomplished female leaders in my area. I never imagined my life would turn out the way that it did, but my triplets truly gave me new purpose in life. More than 6 years later, I’m grateful to be a voice for others, sharing my journey of child loss, infertility, premature birth and now pregnancy after loss. Whether it’s writing, creating news stories or speaking to groups of women about self confidence and overcoming obstacles, I love my life and knowing that I can make a difference. While I didn’t win the big award, I felt so honored to be a nominee and to know that my voice can make a difference in the lives of so many ❤️❤️❤️. And special thanks to Illinois Women In Leadership for the nomination! #athenaaward #femaleleaders #35weekspregnant #pregnancyafterloss #rainbowbaby #childloss #preemie #infertility
07/21/17 - We entered Lex’s room. The room was dark and his eyes covered because he was undergoing phototherapy to balance his bilirubin levels. I looked at his motionless body and all I wanted to do was reach in and hold him. I wanted him to feel safe and to know his mother was present.
My twins were 4 days old and I still had never touched them for fear of overstimulation. Brain bleeding was still a concern, but the risk of intraventricular hemorrhaging (IVH), or brain bleeds, were diminishing. Most brain bleeds due to prematurity happen in the first 72 hour so life. During the first 3 days of life the nurses try to mess with the babies as little as possible. The nurses wore latex gloves when working with babies so he had never felt skin before.
I looked at his chest moving up and down. His 1 pound body was working so hard just to breath. I asked the nurse, “Can I touch him?” She said yes. “She really said yes,” I thought.
I opened the arm holes and reached my hand into the isolette. His arm was smaller than my index finger. Until this exact moment, I didn’t have a strong connection to my twins. Maybe my body was protecting me from getting attached to the babies because we didn’t know if they would survive? Or, maybe it was because I had never touched them, but everything changed with this powerful little, big touch.
My hand grazed his miniature fingers and he reached for my finger in blind faith. He gripped. His hand hugged the tip of my finger. All a newborn wants is to be touched yet Lex had never felt his mother. He wanted it more than me. He was telling me, “I got this, Mom. I’m a warrior. Have faith in me.”
For the first time ever, I saw Lex as a living soul. I was touching a living, breathing miracle. It was real, this was our reality. I saw him as pure determination and I was going to do everything in my power to help pave the way to the summit of the mountain he was climbing.
I didn’t know if he would survive, but in this moment, I knew that if we were going down, we would be swinging…
It’s a big milestone! I’m now at the “I can use my belly as a shelf” stage of my pregnancy! Food, water bottles, you name it…this belly sure has popped.
With only a few weeks left, I’m still working and working out, but I’m forcing myself to slow down. I’ve scaled back on the news and I’m spending more time resting and taking it easy. I feel great, with lots of energy…it’s so different from six years ago! This pregnancy after loss has been quite the journey. While there’s fear, grief and plenty of anxiety, I’m mobile and not spending my days in the hospital on bed rest like I did with our triplets. That’s reason to celebrate!
At 34 weeks gestation, I’m only two weeks away from doctors removing my cerclage stitch. That’s what has helped keep me pregnant for the past 4+ months. After it’s removed, we just wait and see. With each movement and kick, I’m getting more and more excited to meet our rainbow baby. These last few weeks will be a whirlwind and an emotional rollercoaster. I remind myself that it’s OK to be sad, it’s OK to be excited and it’s OK to feel fear. That’s all part of pregnancy after loss. So for now, I’ll continue to indulge in chocolate, kick my feet up (with compression socks!), and enjoy the private moments of my baby girl tucked safely inside. I’m so grateful for this chance to become a mother once again…a soon to be mother of four. #pregnancyafterloss #rainbowbaby #34weekspregnant #thirdtrimester #pregnantbelly #momtoanangel #preemie #micropreemie #survivingtriplet
I wrote about our first 3 weeks in the NICU! Link in bio to read the blog post. These pictures were from the first time we were able to hold our babies! I don’t think there’s anything better than little baby snuggles I’m holding Violet and Adam is holding Milo. We switch who we hold everyday and can’t get enough of our babies!
♥ ♥
Hallo ihr Lieben ♥️ Am Donnerstag war es endlich soweit...Unsere beiden Mäuse durften, nach sehr langen und emotionalen 14 Wochen Krankenhausaufenthalt, mit uns nach Hause Es ist so toll die beiden bei uns zu haben. Jetzt wird ganz viel gekuschelt, gefüttert und Wäsche gewaschen
Habt noch einen schönen Abend und startet morgen in eine sonnige Woche ☀️
#twins #babyboy #babygirl #geschwister #newbornbaby #zwillinge #fritzundfrida #endlichzuhause #love #forevertogether #newhere #frühchen #extremfrühchen #frühchenmama #preemie #preemiebaby #preemietwins #biglove #siblings #bugaboo #bugaboodonkey #homelike
So far Leni and Kiki have spent 26 days in hospital. The special care baby unit is starting to feel like a second home to me now! I walk around the unit no longer feeling shy or intimated by the amazing nurses. Everyday we have a different nurse, but I’m finally learning all their names! #babybrain ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Although I’ve done this before (as Fifi was also premature) at first you cant help but feel like everyone is watching your every move, how you change a nappy, hold your baby etc & it makes you quite nervous.... Now I happily change their explosive nappies, lift them both out of their cots & set up their tube feeds every 3 hours. I have even been taught by the nurses, how to aspirate off a small amount of fluid from their feeding tube & use a PH strip to check the level, which shows that the tube is in their stomach, prior to starting the feed. I was told I could maybe take them home next week with their feeding tubes, but these 2 seem to pull the feeding tubes out daily & I can’t bring myself to stick tubes up their tiny nose & in to their stomachs, so for now we are staying put & I will leave that part to the nurses! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Driving to the hospital yesterday, I saw so many mums pushing their prams along in the sunshine & I can’t wait to be able to do that, but for now we are here, until they can master sucking,swallowing & breathing at the same time & can take a full bottle. I’ve decided to pump but bottle feed, some may say I’m making more work for myself, but I want to see how much milk they are taking & also with 2, I need all the help I can get with the feeds. Did anyone else do this? Am I crazy?
The best thing about Scbu is that they have already got the girls in to a routine. They are feeding every 3 hours with a half an hour space between the 2 babies, so as one finishes I can start the other.
The past few days, we have seen so many babies be discharged and I am used to coming in now to see empty cots.I really hope it’s us soon ❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#scbu #nicubabies #nicu #niculife #newborn #babygirl #preemietwins #prematurebaby #preemie #preemiebaby #twins #identicaltwins #identicalgirls #newborntwins
I woke up in the middle of the night and started crying. I tried to find some sense of comfort. But the tears kept coming. There was no comfort. Not physically, not emotionally. As my mind flashed back to my previous pregnancy, the cries turned into silent sobs.
I am pregnant with our rainbow baby, but this baby is not a replacement for the two children I lost.
It takes just one moment for the memories of a traumatic birth or the loss of child to come flooding back. I’m at the final stretch of this pregnancy. As I sat in my bed, I was reminded of the long days of hospital bed rest, when we prayed for our triplets to stay tucked inside of me. But that didn’t happen. Two of my children died.
My introduction to motherhood quickly became tainted with trauma and tragedy. And even though this pregnancy is completely different, there still is fear and heartache. This baby will never be a replacement for my children in Heaven.
It’s hard for people to fully grasp what’s going through my heart and my soul. People assume that it’s smooth sailing once you get past a certain point in pregnancy. Maybe it’s the week you went into labor, maybe it’s the week you lost your last child.
People assume that a weight has been lifted. Pregnancy should get easier this time around. But that’s often not the case. Sure, we feel a sense of relief with each passing week, sure we find more hope through the fear. But new emotions arise with each passing day and we are often reminded of our children who are no longer with us.
We face new fears about loss and we face guilt knowing that this rainbow baby faces a better chance at life when our other children didn’t survive.
As the weeks edge closer to delivery day, I find myself conflicted. The joy and love I feel for this unborn child are genuine. But, child loss has broken me. While this baby has already proved to help me heal and see love and beauty once again, she will never be a replacement for the son and daughter who died in my arms. To read more, click link in profile. #pregnancyafterloss #rainbowbaby #infantloss #pregnancyloss #childloss #preemie #micropreemie #22weeker #triplets
2. First time I met the #twins after having been on bedrest for 10 weeks while being stretched out to the max(anyone miss their belly button♀️) But so thankful they came out healthy. I'll never forget the moment I heard both their cries fill the room for the first time.... my feeling of sheer TERROR. The other time I felt that way? Tandem breastfeeding. No...just no. and yes that is a barf bag next to me... the things women go through!! Can you tell who is who #csection #helloworld #twinmom #preemiestrong #twinsies #fraternaltwins