preventionacrossca healthyrelationships preventionworks tdvam orange4love teendvmonth california consent domesticviolence preventionispossible saam teendatingviolence enddv iask standstrongnow shiftingthelens investinprevention randomphotos rapecrisiscenter repost saam2019 sexualassault sexualassaultawarenessmonth sexualviolence cbim coachingboysintomen economicjustice paidleave love orangecounty morethanacoach
A little project I did supporting advocates and educator that are committed to the prevention of intimate partner violence & sexual assault! Because we all have the right to live healthy relationships founded on mutual respect! #PreventionAcrossCA
@preventionalejandra #healthyrelationships .
#latina #goodvibes #midecision #mydecision #toocute #chingona #xicana #latina #chicreana #latinapower #cabrona #chingona #latinax #latinabrand #creativos #chula #digital #creativos #Iamlatina #feminist #feminist #mexicanamerican #latinastyle #latina #typography
This year’s #SAAM theme is #IAsk, an initiative to normalize asking for #consent for everything from holding hands, to posting photos, to sexual acts. So what is consent, exactly? Read through this and the other @nsvrc educational palm cards by visiting the link in our bio
#SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #SAAM2019 #NSVRC #IAskforConsent #ConsentIsSexy #ConsentIsMandatory #HealthySexuality #PreventionIsPossible #InvestInPrevention #PreventionWorks #PreventionAcrossCA #OrangeCounty #California #SexualAssault #SexualAssaultPrevention #SexualHarassment #SexualAbuse #YesMeansYes #NoMeansNo #TimesUp #MeToo #YaBasta #RapeCrisisCenter
OH!!! MY!!! GOODNESSSS!!!!!!! ❤️❤️ Thank you so much @chingonainc for such a beautiful creation! I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!
YO SOY Prevencionista! ❤️ Because all individuals deserve to live relationships free of harm, abuse, manipulation, and disrespect!
#NotJustAJob #PreventionIsMyLife #StartTheConvo #TheEarlierTheBetter #ItTakesAllOfUs #PreventionAcrossCA •
Who woulda thunk that the terrified 12 year old girl would go from pushing her father off from hurting her mother, to making the prevention of abuse her life’s mission?! ❤️ #ChildOfDV #Healing #Prevention #Prevencion #NoMasViolencia #Mujer #MujerMexicana #Immigrant - • - ・・・
• •
#Repost from @chingonainc —
A little project I did supporting advocates and educators that are committed to the prevention of intimate partner violence & sexual assault! Because we all have the right to live healthy relationships founded on mutual respect! #PreventionAcrossCA
@preventionalejandra #healthyrelationships .
#latina #goodvibes #toocute #chingona #latinapower #cabrona #chingona #digital #feminist #mexicanamerican
This year’s #SAAM theme is #IAsk, an initiative to normalize asking for #consent for everything from holding hands, to posting photos, to sexual acts. So, how does power impact consent? Read through this and the other @nsvrc educational palm cards by visiting the link in our bio
#SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #SAAM2019 #NSVRC #IAskforConsent #ConsentIsSexy #ConsentIsMandatory #HealthySexuality #PreventionIsPossible #InvestInPrevention #PreventionWorks #PreventionAcrossCA #OrangeCounty #California #SexualAssault #SexualAssaultPrevention #SexualHarassment #SexualAbuse #YesMeansYes #NoMeansNo #TimesUp #MeToo #YaBasta #RapeCrisisCenter
Getting ready for tomorrow’s training on California Family Leave Laws at the National Council of Jewish Woman in LA @ncjwla! ❤️ There’s nothing like a good ‘ol trip to the grocery store to build partnerships around #PaidLeave #EconomicJustice #GenderEquity #CollectiveLiberation! #WereInItTogether #PreventionAcrossCA @ca_partnership @jenyacassidy @workfamilyca
This year’s #SAAM theme is #IAsk, an initiative to normalize asking for #consent for everything from holding hands, to posting photos, to sexual acts. How can we create a #ConsentCulture for the next generation by teaching consent early? Read through this and the other @nsvrc educational palm cards by visiting the link in our bio
#SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #SAAM2019 #NSVRC #IAskforConsent #ConsentIsSexy #ConsentIsMandatory #HealthySexuality #PreventionIsPossible #InvestInPrevention #PreventionWorks #PreventionAcrossCA #OrangeCounty #California #SexualAssault #SexualAssaultPrevention #SexualHarassment #SexualAbuse #YesMeansYes #NoMeansNo #TimesUp #MeToo #YaBasta #RapeCrisisCenter
This year’s #SAAM theme is #IAsk, an initiative to normalize asking for #consent for everything from holding hands, to posting photos, to sexual acts. What does consent in digital spaces look like? Read through this and the other @nsvrc educational palm cards by visiting the link in our bio
#SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #SAAM2019 #NSVRC #IAskforConsent #ConsentIsSexy #ConsentIsMandatory #HealthySexuality #PreventionIsPossible #InvestInPrevention #PreventionWorks #PreventionAcrossCA #OrangeCounty #California #SexualAssault #SexualAssaultPrevention #SexualHarassment #SexualAbuse #YesMeansYes #NoMeansNo #TimesUp #MeToo #YaBasta #RapeCrisisCenter
Karla and Berenis, two of our #SexualAssault Victim Advocates, are at the @fullcoll Health Fair today. Come by to learn about our services & how to become a volunteer ♀️♀️
#IAsk #SAAM #SAAM2019 #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #StartByBelieving #ClotheslineProject #Consent #BelieveSurvivors #SupportSurvivors #NOMORE #OCsaysNOMORE #EndRapeCulture #RapeCrisisCenter #California #PreventionAcrossCA #PreventionIsPossible #PreventionWorks #InvestInPrevention #FullertonCollege #Fullerton #California #OrangeCounty
The Clothesline Project is up near the @concordiairvine Student Union until about 3PM! Bear witness to survivors’ stories & come by the booth to make care packages for sexual assault victims after their forensic exam.
#IAsk #SAAM #SAAM2019 #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth #StartByBelieving #ClotheslineProject #Consent #SexualAssault #SexualAbuse #SexualHarassment #ChildSexualAbuse #HumanTrafficking #DatingViolence #DomesticViolence #RelationshipAbuse #Homicide #Murder #BelieveSurvivors #SupportSurvivors #NOMORE #OCsaysNOMORE #EndRapeCulture #RapeCrisisCenter #California #PreventionAcrossCA #PreventionIsPossible #PreventionWorks #InvestInPrevention