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If you don’t know what to do, sometimes the best thing to do is to stop and do nothing for a while. When I say I do nothing, I mean consciously and purposely do nothing. Just like in Hatha Yoga, ha is masculine active principle and tha is feminine passive principle, you must find the balance between the two. ☯️ @anurag_sharma_
#yogagirls #yogateachers #yogatribe #privateyoga #delhiyoga #yogajourney #yogaeveryday #yogagram #yogisofinstagram #indiatraveldiaries #loveindia
#japan #fukuoka #japanesepaper #japaneseart #art #artwork #blackwork #papercraft #papercutout #kirie #yoga #yogini #yogalife #privateyoga #fukuoka #hakata #ヨーガ #ヨガ #ヨギーニ #プライベートヨガ #月ヨガ#切り絵#切絵#切り絵アート #鋏 #福岡 #アート #アートワーク
The North Star - Polaris, stays fixed in our sky. It is the point around which the whole sky turns. That’s why you can always use Polaris to find the direction north.
Like the Planet Earth, each of us needs one reference point, fixed point, which should help us once we loose our orientation. It must show us the direction and bring us back to our way once we are sad, confused, lost or need to make the right decision.
Take a moment to reflect - what is your „Polaris“, what is that which gives you orientation? What is that which brings you back to your path, helps you to stand up and go forward? And once you habe an answer - always keep it in front of your eyes!
Perut Gemasshh kuuu ❤❤
.kalo kata @bidankita *BIRTHING BALL IS MAGIC*
.Thankyou Bidan @nikensyaf bidan Private Prenatal yoga kuu sejak usia kandungan ku 12 Weeks
#Repost @nikensyaf (@get_repost)
Aku mau bahas dulu disini tentang Gymball atau birthingball, apa sih fungsinya untuk bumil? Jadiiiii, gymball atau birthingball berguna sekali untuk bumil fungsinya untuk mempercepat penurunan dede bayi agar segera masuk panggul, mengurangi keluhan pada pinggang dan bokong yang biasa dialami oleh bumil trimester 3 terutam dan yang paling penting gymball berguna sekali saat persalinan. Saat persalinan tentu saja gymball sebagai alat bantu untuk mempercepat penurunan kepala dan mengurangi nyeri atau mengalihkan rasa nyeri kontraksi. .
Bagaimana cara memainkan gymball ?
1. Duduk dengan nyaman di atas gymball, lalu lekatkkan kedua tangan pada panggul untuk memaksimalkan gerak panggul. INGAT GERAK PANGGULMU BUKAN BADANMU!
2. Gerakan pertama yaitu gerak kiri dan kanan ayunkan panggul.
3. Gerakan maju mundur atau depan belakang sambil ayunkan panggul juga.
4. Gerakan memutar bentuk angka 0 (nol) maksimalkan gerak panggul.
5. Gerakan memutar bentuk angka 8.
6. Gerakan memantulkan tubuh di atas gymball
Selamat mencoba bumilsss semoga membantu ❤
#prenatalgentleyoga #prenatalgentleyogajakarta #prenatalgentleyogabekasi #prenatalyoga #prenatalyogajakarta #prenatalyogabekasi #privateyoga #privateprenatlyoga #yogahamiljakarta #yogahamilbekasi #privatehypnobirthing #hypnobirthingjakarta #hypnobirthingbekasi #coupleyogahamil #gentlebirth #gentlebirthstory
Hello friends! Have you ever wondered whether you are ‘doing’ a yoga pose properly or look right? I usually answer with “how does it feel?” If you’ve ever wanted to get into yoga and are just not sure or too scared or don’t think your good enough then I am here to help! I offer private’s in the byron bay region and can come to you! We can go over all the questions on technique and postures that you have ever wondered about. I have a yoga therapy background so any injury is not a problem. In fact I can help with alternatives for managing that. My clients have seen huge results from having a personalized practice and someone to adjust and assist their form. And most importantly you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga!!
Check out my website for more info in the bio or dm me for any enquiries. Hope to see you on the mat Pic by the best @toshiephoto
It helps if you remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness - Deepak Chopra
One day I was on the bus and this guy got on with with his grey French Bulldog and sat in front of me. He started shouting at it and nudging it violently with his foot when it clearly did nothing wrong (and even if it did there’s still no reason to treat a dog like that). I felt so angry I wanted to do the same back to him but instead I distanced myself from the anger to make a better decision on how to approach the situation. The dog ended up hiding under his seat and I reached down to comfort it. I asked the owner what its name is and he said “Bubbles”. I continued to pet him and spoke to him like I speak to my dog - giving it all the attention❤️ The owner got interested and instead of having a go at him I decided to try and be an example of how he should treat his dog. He could clearly see Bubbles reacting to the love & affection and he himself started to cheer up. I ended up having a conversation with him about life and our different experiences, and how there’s so much division in the world and why we should be treating each other better (hint hint). It sounded like he had many bad experiences in the past that he was letting define him - making him the angry person he seemed to be when he first got on the bus. I tried to explain how the past doesn’t have to define how he is now and life doesn’t have to be so limited. Anyway by the end of the bus journey he was smiling and treating Bubbles a lot better, when he got off the bus his whole posture and the way he walked changed, he was even talking to Bubbles in a positive way as if continuing our conversation on the way home. I just hope that the message from that conversation stays with him today and most of all that Bubbles is okay (I even considered asking to buy Bubbles from him but he mentioned he lived with someone who looks after him too). People act, react and live out of the consciousness they’re in, sometimes you have to ask why they vibrate at that level first before you can step in and help. •
@shanicreates working her magic again!✨