proctormn duluthmn twinports hockey minnesota athletes bantam15u boys cloquetmn girls hermantownmn hockeycamp hockeyplayers icehockey icehockeytraining ironrangemn peewee12u silverbaymn sports squirt10u superiorwi twinportspdc wisconsin twoharborsmn hockeylife trainlikapro thewaxbarproctor sponsorsunday lakesuperior lashesonfleek silverbaymn
The 5:30pm class killed the "Chipper" Workout tonight! Blowing other PRs out of the water, Luisa took first with completing it in 25:30!
- 500 1-2s
- 500 3-4s
- 500 5-6s
- 20 down/back sprints
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Squats
- 500 jump rope (double-unders count for 2)
*Does not need to be completed in any particular order. The goal is to "chip" away at each item until complete!
Since Luisa finished first, she got to choose the end of class workout.
- 5 laps:
Bear crawl to halfway, sprint to wall, crab walk to halfway, sprint to wall.
Way to work it, everyone!!!
#lorenzisboxing #teamlorenzi #chipperworkout #hardwork #boxingfitness #boxing #boxingcommunity #exercise #fitness #proctormn #killedit
In honor of @grandmasmarathon weekend, Good Luck to all the runners! ♀️♀️♂️♀️ #twinportspdc #trainlikapro #twinports #squirt10u #peewee12u #bantam15u #hockey #hockeylife #hockeycamp #icehockey #athletes #sports #icehockeytraining #hockeyplayers #boys #girls #wisconsin #minnesota #superiorwi #duluthmn #hermantownmn #proctormn #cloquetmn #twoharborsmn #silverbaymn #ironrangemn
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#trainwiththepros #trainlikeapro #beapro #twinportspdc #twinports #squirt10u #peewee12u #bantam15u #hockey #hockeycamp #icehockey #athletes #sports #icehockeytraining #hockeyplayers #boys #girls #wisconsin #minnesota #superiorwi #duluthmn #hermantownmn #proctormn #cloquetmn #twoharborsmn #silverbaymn #ironrangemn