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Love where you are as much as where you’re going, so you never miss a moment of the journet @hours.jkt / Fotokopi by @rickyytobing
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Cafe hunting before Ramadhan
#coffeetime #coffeesesh #coffeeaddict #cafehopper #cafehopping #coffeeshopcorners #coffeeshopvibes #coffeeshopdesign #jakartacoffeeshop #indocoffeegram #indonesiancoffeeshop #proudofyourlocalcoffeeshop #jj_coffeetime #raw_coffee #total_coffee #ew_coffee #exclusive_world_coffeee
Saturday forecast: 99% chance of coffee.
☕️ Piccolo & ‘Dirty Hulk’ (A short of espresso and matcha)
Waktu pas liat timbangan, Beratku setara kode negara berplower [+62] Aku kaget, shock banget .. Soalnya dulu walopun setelah anak ke 3, paling mentog di 51-52 (tekanan batin gaosa di itung yak hahahah),
Panteessaannn bokong ku berat banget kalo di ajak jalan wkwkwkwk
Bukan apa2, aku jadi ga produktif.. Apa2 males, bawa’an pengen tidurrr mulu gegara selalu kekenyangan, (Ye gimana Jainem, makan di loss 5x sehari di jabanin) kan ngehe
Akhirnya tekadnya bulat dan kuat nih, minimal ngurangin karbo dulu lah, nasi terutama, soalnya gatau kenapa yah, (mungkin aku doang), tapi kalo abis makan nasi tuh (apalagi mie ayam pake bakso atom) berasa gobloknya jadi kuadrat dikali lima.. Otak kok kayak buntttuu gabisa mikir, pen nya molor, gabisa liat space kosong nganggur, langsung tidur.
Hari ini uda seminggu tottal ga makan nasi, SAMA SEKALI, roti cuma alakadar nya, sisanya makan kentang rebus ato tempe penyet lauk-pauk gitu. Gula juga ngurangin (padahal bukan yang suka gula jugak). Dan Alhamdulillah.. Badan ku entengan
Serba salah aslik, dulu bisa kurus soalnya batin lumayan enjblak-njblik-njbluk gitu, sekarang pas bahagia.. ngeloss gini bobotnya . Pertanyaan nya? Moso iya aku harus menderita dulu biar bisa proporsional lagi? kesan nya gimana coba? wkwkkwkw
*maapkeun saya curhat*
nyambi pengen pamer makan siang traktiran nya teh @fennysukasah di @cohere.bogor .. ini selalu jadi manu favorite! SUKA BANGET sama saladnya
#instacoffee #happyboringlife #manmakecoffee #masfotokopi #coffeexample #cappucino #ehayokngopi #indocoffeegram #proudofyourlocalcoffeeshop
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The greatest moments in life are the simplest @ebony.roastery / Fotokopi by @diasaditya
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insert coffee to begin..
#coffeehopping #VSCOcoffee #coffeeculture #coffeecrawler #explorecoffee #coffeexample #dailycortado #caffeinedaily #indocoffeegram #fotokopiid #manmakecoffee #masfotokopi #proudofyourlocalcoffeeshop #proudofindonesiacoffee #nixmoment #coffeeshopvibes #vibesandcoffee #coffeevibes #coffeeinblack #getcoffeebehappy #hobikopi #anakkopi #thankstocoffee #baristadaily #classybaristas #coffeeprops #appleandcoffee #happyboringlife
Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right @29coffee / Fotokopi by @f.o.v_
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There are some moments in your trip , you walk for hours in the city and you don’t want to check your suggestions for the best coffee, or your notes for the owners, the barista and the way they roast the beans. You look out from the window as a spy and in a few seconds you have to decide whether to go inside or not. And sometimes like this one.. you are lucky because coffee is unexpectedly good, the music is very advanced and remarkable and the atmosphere is charming. Let's try new places! Let's be more brave. Let us trust our instinct . With any risk. Good Morning Friday ♥️