provaxx antivaxx vaccineskill vaccinateyourkids educatebeforeyouvaccinate vaccines vaccinessavelives naturopathicmedicine vaxx vaccinations bossbabe vaccinateyourdamnkids bigpharama vaccinesarentsafe vaccineskillkids vaxxed doctor provaxxer vaccineinjury bigpharma mmrvaccine childrenshealth health medicine paidscience abortedfetalcells aluminum autism autismawareness formaldehyde outbreak
Part of the herd and protected by the herd- #vaccinate
All shirts @spillthebeansetcco +code BANDT++++ #vaccinate #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccines #vaccine #vaccinateyourkids #vaccineswork #vaccincesave #provaxx #antivax #trendykids #trendywear #streetwear #trustscience #proscience #boyz #kidlife #kidsofinstagram #smallshop #spillthebeans #milkmaid #boymom #kidsclothing #boyclothes #hipsterstyle #kidwear #portland #ctfob
Funny how the only time I heard “girls mature faster” used was to hold me to a higher standard and excuse boys behavior and never to give me a higher ( or hell, even EVEN ) pay or opportunities to lead or advance. ♀️ _______________
#equality #scienceisreal #snowflake #liberal #kindness #realtalk #dumptrump #enoughisenough #thisisamerica #provaxx #democrat #loveislove #politics #socialissues #beaGOODhuman #ally #arewegreatyet
Apparently I’ve been drinking “attract toxic friends and then let them convince you you’re a bad person who needs to kiss their feet for having emotions, only for them to turn around and be a GENUINE bad person, but also not be able to cut them off because you’ve grown attached to the familiar toxicity” juice!!!
#vaccines #antivaxx #vaxxhappened #vaccinations #vaccinesdontcauseautism #provax #provaxx
Fluoridated NYCidiots be like, “YoUr UnVacCiNaTeD cHiLd PuTs MiNe At RiSk!” While frothing from the mouth like a rabid animal. If anybody is concerned about a child’s children(s) health here — the one(s) truly at risk *the most* are/is the #UNVACCINCATED child(ren). I find it incredibly interesting watching the majority of people, make silly no brainers like this. If you’re so concerned for the health of children why don’t you actually show the level of concern for ALL children and stop treating unvaccinated children like they’re the problem and stop treating them like your child is better than they are. They’re fucking children. Grow up and let’s have a real conversation based on facts from both sides of #ProVax and #AntiVax. It is NEVER okay for a Govt to mandate ANYTHING let alone vaccinations — you can’t trust those fuckers to fix potholes and you expect me to blindly put faith in that very same system to ensure my child’s health care is well looked after? GTFOH. #NycBansUnvaccinatedChildren #Vaccinations #Vaxx #ProVaxx #AntiVaxx #MmrVaccine #Mmr #Measles #Mumps #Rubella #FearMongering #Msm #MainstreamMedia #Vaccines #MmrExpiring #CreatingCustomers #PharmaceuticalIndustry
The fight isn't over, but this is a good start
#vaccines #vaccineskill #measles #doctor #vax #cancer #antivaccine #pharma #sick #vaccineinjury #disease #dothescience #dothemath #knowledge #dotheresearch #fertility #conscious #scientist #infertility #vaxx #vaxxed #outbreak #antivaxx #provaxx #antivax
so how we feelin about opting out of getting vaccines?
song of the post: faygo dreams by 6 dogs
#activism #activist #lgbt #feminist #prochoice #transgender #humanrights #raceequality #blm #gay #intersectionality #intersectional #intersectionalfeminism #poc #racialequality #vaccines #antivaxx #provaxx #health
#L8R0000178 - Reposted from @proinformedconsent - Awesome comment from @jwa.lion
#measles #outbreak #measlesoutbreak #sick #disease #vaccineinjury #vaxxed #vaxx #vax #provacc #provaxx #antivacc #antivaxx #antivaccine #provaccine #vaccines #vaccineskill #dotheresearch #dothescience #dothemath #knowledge #conscious #cancer #infertility #fertility #doctor #scientist #pharma #vaccinateyourkids
#Repost @educate_dont_vaccinate
• • •
@Regran_ed from @christiansagainstvaccines - #vaccines #vaccinated #vaxx #vaxxed #antivaxx #antivax #antivaxxer #vaccinated #vaccination #vaccinations #immunization #immunised #vaccineinjured #vaccineinjury #novaxx #unvaccinated #unvaxxed #provax #provaxx #provaxxer #provaccine - #regrann
If you are not already following Dr. Dale Brown aka @thewilddoc , you are missing out! I love watching his videos, because he breaks things down and explains stuff in layman’s terms. It’s nice to know that someone with his background is just as fired up about all of this as I am! Thank you Dr. Brown for being a voice in this movement!
This video is from earlier today — The Wild Doc and Dr. Patrick Flynn discussing the measles outbreak, pertussis, the recent hearings, etc. Watch the whole video! It’s about 30 minutes, worth every minute, and can be found on both The Wild Doc’s AND Dr. Patrick Flynn’s Facebook pages.