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Because of the random moments like this
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The games I need to finish
How big is your backlog?
Check out my YouTube —> link in BIO!
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So I literally have never been so stressed out as I am right now and will be until july probably. I am following 4 courses (IT-University of Copenhagen) this semester and that’s 4 written exams and 2 oral defence exams. + just started a new job and I am taking online courses on Udemy and Coursera to improve my programming skills.
That is quite a bit. And it’s very frustrating to have like no time left over for anything else, like, I would love to have more time to make some youtube videos and be more active on this awesome Instagram-gaming-community! Oh well, life is life - hopefully the exams wont be as hard as I imagine also - as you might have noticed I have moved my ps4-games because my wooden box could not fit them all anymore
Check out my YouTube —> link in BIO!
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What’s your favourite shooter game? ❤️
Shooter games are definitely one of my favourite genres to play as that is what I ONLY played for a number of years (excluding AC ofc). It’s where I earned the title of #gamergirl . In all seriousness though, FPS games can be extremely fun with a great team and I sometimes miss the days of playing COD for hours after school with my friends As for right now, I’m not entirely sure what my favourite shooter game is but if I had to pick a top 3 (in no order) it would be:
1. COD (mainly the older ones, with Advanced Warfare as an exception) 2. Destiny 3.Halo