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Today was shoulder day & also a really really really good hair day with my sweet love @andrew_vu87
Here’s a shoulder workout that we did ♥️ & a few exercises I did for lower body
•Standing DB Lateral - warm up fully into your working set of 4 10-12reps
•Shoulder Press Machine - 4 sets 12 reps
•Rear Delts in the fly machine - 4 sets 12-15reps
•Cable Laterals - 4 sets 12 reps
•Underhand EZ bar front raises (for your front delts) - 4 sets 12-15 reps
•DB Arnold Press - 3-4 sets 10-12 reps
In between sets and towards the end of our workout I did some DB stiff leg with light weight high reps • Reverse lunges on V Squat Machine • Banded squats into a shoulder press using the EZ bar
#shoulderday #shoulderworkout #psarmy #officialbetterbodies #avufitness #workout #delts #lowerbodyworkout #squats #bandedworkout #guthealing #fitness #motivation #longhair #hairgoals #mulan
Summers Sunday vibes!☀️
Shot By @sanambyob
Fulled by ⚫️ @prosupps @prosupps_india
#prosupps #psarmy
Online Personal Training (LINK IN THE BIO)
•Customised nutrition plan which covers diet and meal with proper supplementation.
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One smile can change someone’s day, Make it better, do it often, carry it everywhere in every situation & same can burn someone alive(Getting me?)
Fulled by ⚫️ @prosupps @prosupps_india
#prosupps #psarmy
2 weeks break refreshed, focused and ready to put in the work
Friday sneaky session to check out the vibe at Point Virgin Active keeping it light Starting back at work with my athletes and heavy training on monday, let's go!!!
#GordonStevens #TeamStevens300 #psarmy #prosuppsathlete #training #passion #personaltrainer #coach #inthezone #2019 #BOOM