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Pumping is a part of my breastfeeding journey. For the first month of Abraham’s life I only nursed. All through the day, the night, the cluster feeds, the comfort feeds. I started to get so overwhelmed. Some days I’d be feeding him with tears rolling down my face. I’m not sure if it was from the constant touching (I’m not a very touchy feely type of person) or that breastfeeding and all the emotions that came along with being a new mom was just starting to pour out of me. I decided to start pumping and bottle feeding during the day and nursing only during the night. I needed to give myself a break before I had a breakdown. Then I felt like I had to justify my decision on needing this change. I had to keep telling myself that I owe no one an explanation, not even to myself. My baby is being fed and that’s all that matters. Be proud of how your baby is growing, regardless of what that may look like. #motherhood #normalizebreastfeeding #pumpingmom #nursingmom #pumplife #fedisbest
We’re so inspired by @jordhoes, who’s a #T1D advocate, founder of #T1Dbookclub, and is always spreading knowledge and positivity wherever she goes. You rock, Dr. H! Tell us how you #LiveInspired by using the hashtag and tagging @medtronicdiabetes for a chance to be featured on our feed.
#InspiredByYou #LiveInspired #regram #medtronic #diabetes #minimed #t1dlookslikeme #medtronicdiabetes #pumplife #t1d #minimed670g #cgm #morethannumbers
The MiniMed 670G system is for type 1 ages 7 and over. Prescription Required. WARNING: May not be safe under age 7 or using less than 8 units of insulin/day. For details, see http://bit.ly/670gRisks. Refers to Auto Mode. Some user interaction required. Individual results may vary.
nothin to see here... a lot of you message me about my pumping schedule and how I do it. Morning and night I use the Medela Pump. On-the-go & at the office I use the Haaka 3 more times throughout the day (keep in mind it doesn’t work for everyone, but I just sneak them under my shirt and they work for me. they’re also good if you have random letdown — aka crying baby in a restaurant or someone hugs you too tight...yup it’s a real thing . I totally thought that was a myth! I also know the Willow Pump is great for on-the-go if you want something cordless to slip into your bra. I still pump around 4 or 5am unless Isabella latches on using the nipple shield, but that’s far and few now. Let me know if you have any questions... I know it’s a lot!! It’s basically a full time job to make milk and feed your baby!! And question for you girls...I want to start incorporating real food! what do you recommend we try first?! #tiumom
Double tap if you agree!
Breast milk isn’t “free.” In fact, choosing to breastfeed my daughter has been costly in many ways.
The biggest cost was my time. As any mama who has had to pump knows, pumping is a labor of love. And it is labor. If a mama was paid a minimum wage rate for the same number of hours I’ve spent pumping, washing pump parts, resolving clogged ducts and thrush, and researching lactation and pumping, she’d make at least around $35k+ (and that’s not including any other baby care — just breastfeeding!). So looking at it that way, breastfeeding cost a minimum of $35k on time alone.
Then there were the actual costs of multiple lactation visits when we were still trying to make nursing work, a hospital-grade pump rental (for all 14 months), pumping bras, bottles, various flanges, replacement pump parts, lactation supplements, and assorted accessories to make pump life easier.
So breast milk may not be “free.” But breast milk is priceless. This liquid gold is a perfect concoction made by my body specifically for my baby and her needs. It’s protected her from illness now, and she will experience a number of health benefits for her lifetime. So even though breastfeeding has cost me a lot, it’s been a worthwhile investment, and one that I would make again.
Follow @pumpingcoach for more!
I think it’s just tradition now lol. Annual light show at the shop. If anybody has Xmas lights on their pumps, dm me. I’d love to see them. #tegartconcretepumping #grandeprairie #alberta #gpab #canada # #slayingthegrey #concretepumping #concretepumps #allianceconcretepumps #concordconcretepumps #pumplife #concreteconstruction #concretepumpers #wedoitbest #holidaycheer
#workgrind #lifeofapumper #kenwortht880 #kennyzee #winterconstruction #pumpinginthewinter #christmaslights
#happyholidays #christmaslightshow
@westcrete.ltd ever see this on the island?