purposefulmotherhood joyfulmotherhood blessed blessedmama blessedmotherhood catholic catholicfamily catholicmama catholicmom catholicmomstrong catholicmotherhood domesticchurch eucharisticmotherhood fruitfulmotherhood fullofgrace grace gracefilledmom marianmothers mercy motherhoodasvocation motherhoodjourney mothering motheringspirit opentolifemama sacramentalmotherhood sogoesmotherhood spiritualmotherhood motherhoodmission easter2019 pentecost sacramentalmotherhood
If there’s one thing I’m absolutely sure of about parenting it’s that kids are sponges and mirrors. They soak up and they reflect! I've learned that if my kids are acting in a way that is unsavory to me I need to look AT MYSELF first to see if I have been modeling that behavior. And so many times the answer is yes. “As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well.” Dr. Daniel Siegel, The Whole-Brained Child
#gentleparenting #peacefulparenting #positiveparenting #gracebasedparenting #wholebrainedchild #thewholebrainchild #letthembelittle #theycallmemom #theycallmemama #ig_motherhood #motherhoodrising #missionofmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #raisingarrows #raisingboys #toddlermom #cultivatewhatmatters #gentlemama #gentlemamas #crunchymom #naturalmama #mamanatural #oilymama #purposefulmotherhood #intentionalmotherhood
Starting the week off right with mindfulness for them and therapy for me. I’ve been having counselling, for nearly two years now and it’s one of the best things that I have ever done for myself
At first in seemed indulgent, as if I couldn’t possibly spend an hour, talking just about me. And focusing on myself wasn’t really something, I ever did or liked to do. But it’s been amazing to have the dedicated time where I can work out all of the clutter, taking up space in my head.
I know it’s not something that’s talked about a lot but mental health and well-being is so important, not just for us but for the people around us to. I’ve gained confidence in who I am and worked through things that I’d just left unsaid, for years.
I personally think that’s it’s a incredibly brave thing to do, to invest in myself and face my demons. My counselling is private but she let me pay a discounted rate, for the first year when I couldn’t afford it. There are many avenues to go down, if money is an issue for you. I’m intrigued to know, if anyone else has been to therapy and if so, what you have gained?
I mean... I don’t need to caption this but.....
Toddlers in sun hats are top 5 cutest things in this world. .
#lovemakesafamily #thisisfostercare #adoptionrocks #motherhood #faithful #faithfulmotherhood #intentionalmotherhood #purposefulmotherhood #kidsofig #toddlerlife #fosterparents #parenting
My sweet baby Cedar is 6 months old and has brought such joy to my life. How has God used this little guy to shape me so far? Long nights in the hospital with him taught me what it really looks like to purposefully place my babies in Gods hands... continually. I don't control when they come into the world, or when they pass from it. So I am learning to keep my hands open to God knowing my babies are ultimately His. I've been shaped to be less self reliant because I fail my own expectations so often- and instead to rely moment by moment on the grace given to me by Christ. The Word of God tells us to not worry about tomorrow because today has enough worry of its own, and now that my mind is constantly tuned to my kids ups & downs I comprehend that better! How has your most recent baby or being a mama shaped you?! #cedarransomvandyke #suzyvandykemotherhood
What’s your ultimate financial goal? What’s your purpose in life? ...do those two answers align?
All of my ultimate financial goals lead to these four people right here...my sweet husband and our babies. Our goals are to build our dream home on our dream land, homeschool our girls, grow my business, have Daniel retire in his 40s, travel and adventure as a family, and send our babies to college debt free.
My purpose in life is to serve my family, love my husband, care for our babies, teach other women how to break free from financial survival mode, and soak up every moment I can from my blessed life.
That all sounds beautiful and my financial goals sound perfectly aligned with my purpose in life...but it wasn’t always that way!
Over the past 4 years I’ve spent just as much time soul searching as I have budgeting. I’ve spent these years learning how to get still, listen to God’s callings, practice gratitude, and gain contentment.
This isn’t just a #debtfreejourney ...it’s an intentional living journey! It’s about every single aspect of your life aligning with your greater purpose in life. ...and trust me, you were not put on this beautiful earth to just survive! You were created with purpose, and you can’t live out that purpose if you’re living in survival mode! .⠀
#budget #budgeting #budgetlife #debt #debtfree #debtfreedom #debtfreejourney #debtfreelife #financialfreedom #millionairemindset #momlife #motherhood #family #gazelleintense #goals #debtfreecommunity #daveramsey #babysteps #survivalmode #becomingdebtfree #familyfirst #familygoals #purposefulmotherhood
I wish life was just one big long weekend! ❤
#sundayeveningblues #livethelittlethings #livingsimply #littlelettie #scarlettelaine #pursuepretty #sterlingbrooke #littlestar #choosingfreelen #christianblogger #lifestyleblogger #thehappynow #thatsdarling #thefreelenfour #beautyinthelittlethings #intentionalmotherhood #purposefulmotherhood #darlingmovement #candidchildhood #childhoodunplugged #letthekids
Want to know what made me break into a legitimate cold sweat yesterday?
Numbers. Terrifying little marks on a page that scare the pants off me and make me want to run and hide someplace pretty with words and pictures and nary a number in sight.
Pretty pathetic right? Let me back up. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This week I've been in a parent training workshop for homeschoolers where this year's emphasis is math. I'll admit, when I found out the theme for this year was all things numeracy, my heart sunk. But being an idealist, I envisioned myself learning amazing things that would help to redeem math for me and enable me to shed my paralyzing fear of numbers.
Well I got mid-way through Day 2 feeling pretty good about everything until all of the sudden, we were assigned to gather in groups to work out a pageful of equations. Basic ones. Kid-sized ones.
My heart started beating faster, my breathing became shallow, my hands grew clammy, and before I knew it, I was back in Mrs. Cook's Grade 1 class staring at a speed test crammed with addition questions, panicked and paralyzed because I didn't know the answers. This was my story throughout the entirety of my education and beyond. Even getting the bill at a restaurant incites fear and trembling. And that's WITH a smart phone at my fingertips.
So what did I do today? Did I take a deep breath and face my fears? Nope. I went and got my baby from the nursery, strapped him on for a nap, and proceeded to spend the next half hour bouncing him to sleep while the rest of the room played math games. Which, in my mind, are only slightly worse than baby shower games.
Sometimes, facing my fears feels triumphant and gratifying--like, heck yes, I'm gonna slay this dragon. And other times, squishy baby cuddles in a carrier are better.
So here's to sometimes conquering our fears and mastering the things that terrify us. And here's also to sometimes being totally okay with finding a cute coping strategy!
#bringinginspirationhome #wildandfreemama #thereluctanthomeschooler #classicalconversations ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✨His sweaty hair
✨His chubby hand
✨His tiny snores
✨His crossed legs
✨His “I uv ooooo” ❤️
It all makes up for the banshee screams and demands for “mo milk!” That I heard 90% of today We are three months from two, but we are SO TWO. I don’t recall having a child who can tantrum this strong or rally with big siblings so well. Our calm little E is shining bright these days! He may be number four, but he’s not about to let us forget that he has character and LIFE to share with us all
So often I get swept up in counting down the years until Jemma flies off and then Max. Then it will be just the little boys, then just me and E. Some day Eli and I will have two years at home JUST US. You guys, every phase of this motherhood gig has so much to look forward too! I cry and laugh; wish for days back and can’t wait for the rest. These little humans are gold
#myextraordinaryeli #momlife #momlifeisthebestlife #thatsdarling #momsofmen #purposefulmotherhood #journalingmotherhood #towriteloveonherarms #babydays #tmgblackandwhite
Believe me, I get it.
Motherhood is hard work. But, don’t get bullied into believing the lie about Who you are. Your deep rooted and instinctive call that eternally puts another above yourself.
This is not a sad and lonely job... this is a fierce and powerful Calling.
The culture wants to convince you that you’re losing yourself, and if only you could get back to the woman you were before Motherhood took you. Perhaps they are not wrong, you did lose a part of the self. But don’t be fooled. You are not lost. You have been found.
Your worth and your value have no need for price tags or selfies. You don’t need a night out with friends or a false sense of freedom to ‘find yourself’. Yes those things are nice, but that’s not who you are anymore... You are a Mother.
Let this truth wash over you, and truly set you free. You see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and love with the fiercest form of love. You are a brave warrior and your children’s champion. You are given the privilege to truly love another, more than the self.
Sweet sister, your ‘self’ is not lost, you laid it down. And while it is at times painful, you know in this giving away— your true self is Found.
You are found in the sticky fingers wrapped around your neck; found in the one sleeping to the rising and the falling of your chest, comforted only by your heartbeat. Found in the eyes who look to you for all the answers, the chubby cheeks bouncing your way. You are found in LEGO-building, and cartwheel dancing. Found in sleepless nights and tear-filled mornings.
You are Found in Motherhood, a calling that cripples you to your knees; only to realize all along that the calling was for you to lose your self, so that you could be Found.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you a part of the ‘hood’! May you walk confidently and purposefully in your calling, and know there is no greater privilege in this life than to lay down your self for the sake of another. ✨❤️ #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #purposefulmotherhood #motherhoodcalling #motherhoodrising #authenticmotherhood