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For a plant that should be dead this #gorillaglue #autoflower from #quebeccannabisseeds is doing well . This is my first auto flower and probably not my last. #happyfriday #ohcanada420 #420 #420kw #cannabis #growyourown #growmedicine #indica #hightimes #highsociety #maryjane #green #growwithjohnjoe #cheaphomegrow #advancednutrients #microgrowbloom #weedporn #sativa #hybrid
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Had a few trial grows. This tiny granddaddy purple was stunned a few weeks of veg stage due to outdoor mites. It was topped but only one cola survived after fixing the pest issue. #quebeccannabisseeds #granddaddypurp #flowering #trialgrow #outdoor #ilovegrowingmarijuana #weed #pot #marijuana #cannabis #420 #oceanforest