queenclem clouis twdg clem clementine stillnotbitten thewalkingdead telltale clemmy badassclem cutieclem ohmydarlingclementine twdfinalseason twdlastep queenclementine skybound twdanewfrontier clemshatgrp twdseason1 twdseason2 igotbit telltalethewalkingdead thefinalseason telltalegames violentine violettwdg ajtwdg takeusback clemtwdg clemsavage
“Lookouts totally different than patrol.”
“How so?”
“You don’t walk..”
Gosh Clem you’re suppose to know the difference! This is one of my favorite scenes in the entire season! Their mother/son pureness just shines
#clementinetwdg #telltalegames #skyboundgames #twdg #twdgedit #clem #twdgaj #momandson #thefinalseason #twdgseason4 #patrollife #twd #queenclem #numberonemom