gainsboroughsalons hairfairies idartist lincolnshiresalons marshallsyard mythicoil ontrend queenmaker queenmakertour salon scunthorpesalons smartbond smartsquad sophieamelia sophieameliahair botanea impoweredbynature lorealprofessional lpeduk vegan patchtestparty goldfever goldfeverhairextensions profiber hairextensions payl8r lct19 lorealeducationuki colourchange colourspecialist
#Repost @jjjennings_ghd with @get_repost
October is nearly here and so is the #queenmakertour coming to Edinburgh and London. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
See you there? Contact your ghd account manager to book or email ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
@ghdhair @ghdhairpro
A P P O I N T M E N T S .
Tuesday 7th May:
Hannah - 12:15 Colour
Bea - 10am & 11am Colour
Thursday 9th May;
Millie - 3:15 pm & 5:30pm Colour
Bea - 5:30pm Colour
Sophie is FULLY BOOKED this week, do not miss out on these available appointments that are left!
Please may we politely remind all of our clients to double check your text reminder with your appointment time and date. Please remember if there is an appointment cancelled less than 24hours prior to your date and time slot, there will be a charge added onto your following appointment.
G R E A T - L E N G T H S
100bonds 12” ❤️ Who loves this thickening set of Greatlengths hair extensions coloured by @hairbymillielongx and applied by Sophie Amelia? The beautiful multi tonal end result was created using 2 different colours, rolling teeny tiny bonds to create a seamless effect! Pop in for your FREE consultation for your hair extension make over! ❤️ #sophieamelia #sophieameliahair #idartist #marshallsyard #smartbond #queenmakertour #queenmaker #smartsquad #mythicoil #lorealprofessional #lpeduk #impoweredbynature #botanea #vegan #hairfairies #scunthorpesalons #lincolnshiresalons #gainsboroughsalons #greatlengthshairextensions #greatlengths #ontrend #salon #ghd #hairextensions #PAYL8R #patchtestparty #lct19 #lorealeducationuki
A P P O I N T M E N T S .
Tuesday 7th May:
Hannah - 12:15 Colour
Bea - 10am & 11am Colour
Thursday 9th May;
Millie - 3:15 pm & 5:30pm Colour
Bea - 5:30pm Colour
Sophie is FULLY BOOKED this week, do not miss out on these available appointments that are left!
Please may we politely remind all of our clients to double check your text reminder with your appointment time and date. Please remember if there is an appointment cancelled less than 24hours prior to your date and time slot, there will be a charge added onto your following appointment.