noalasescuelascharter noalcierredeescuelas queningunaescuelaseacerrada juliarenuncia laquierop bigot departamentodeeducaciondepuertorico juliagohome juliakeleher racist renunciaya yanki repost ricardorosello defiendelaeducaci educaci enpiedelucha feministas lucha puertorico resistencia vamospalacalle nosoyboricua
First day back to school in Puerto Rico. This is in an elementary school! Peep the punisher logo on the clip! #Repost @vonalgo No importa de que agencia de gobierno sea , si la intention es buena , una bienvenida con galletitas y libretas de colorear, por favor no entres con una pistola. #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
I encourage everyone to share this shit and show the world the garbage human being that is Julia! #Repost @vendepatria
And here you have it la gusana yanki in all her glory @seceducacion_pr you do not belong here, you hate for our people is showing and we as a nation DO NOT WANT YOU HERE! You are an enemy of the state, what you are doing is a crime against humanity and it is an attack on the Boricua people! From the archipelago to the diaspora we are watching and know that you will never have a moment of peace so long as you are attacking the future of our nation! #Repost @boricua_spirit
Video credit - Twitter
Robby Cortéz.
Quoted by Julia Keleher
"Hurricane Maria maybe the best thing that could have happened to Puerto Rico." Ugh I'm at a lost of words! What do u say about all of the people that died! All who suffered! All you think about is the $ !!!! You don't care about our people or the schools your closing.. Julia Keleher karma will serve you what u have served others! #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
Someone throw her in the trash where she belongs puñeta! She’s so damn disrespectful to our people and nation! #Repost via @edwinlorenzo Que clase de papelón señora Secretaria Keleher. Los estudiantes la abuchean por su ejecutoria y usted en vez de reflexionar sobre el por que de ese rechazo, se pone pico a pico con los estudiantes. Que Verguenza, por eso el pueblo la rechaza. Mis respetos a todxs esos estudiantes que se dejaron sentir, con estudiantes como ustedes, definitivamente este pueblo tiene esperanza. #RicardoRosello #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
Los maestros y maestras se manifiestan este miércoles en defensa de la educación pública, sus derechos y los de los estudiantes. Exigen: * Menos estudiantes por salón para poder ofrecer una educación individualizada
* Que se mantengan abiertas las escuelas de las comunidades para un acceso adecuado y evitar el hacinamiento en los salones
* Ampliar el ofrecimiento académico fortaleciendo programas como las Bellas Artes, Educación Física y otros.
* Respeto a los derechos de los niños y niñas del Programa de Educación Especial
* Maestros suficientes para que los estudiantes no pierdan tiempo lectivo
* Que no se privatice y politice la educación
HOY miércoles 15 de agosto APOYA el PARO MAGISTERIAL. NO ENVIES A TUS HIJOS E HIJAS A LA ESCUELA. Únete a la manifestación a las 10:00am en la Plaza Colón en San Juan para marchar a La Fortaleza. #RicardoRosello #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
#Repost Hoy visito la.escuela donde mi hija de 5 años esta supuesta a comenzar con entusiasmo su primer grado, antes de llegar alli veo el reportaje de Noticentro donde dice que no quieren abrir, veo como los maestros consternados indican que Como abriremos si las condiciones no son aptas para estos estudiantes. Se me hace un taco en la garganta mientras escribo esto porque pienso, es esto lo que le espera a mi hija a mis sobrinos en fin a los niños de Puerto Rico en este nuevo año? Sr. Gobernador Ricardo Rosello usted tiene fondos para un vehiculo de 250,000 pero nuestros hijos no pueden tener un salon decente para estudiar? Es triste ver como mi Puerto Rico se estanca y no da prioridad a lo que prioridad merece que son nuestros niños y su educación. Aqui les muestro 1 foto de uno de los salones de la Escuela Edmundo Del Valle Cruz nuestra escuela NO esta lista necesitamos compromiso de nuestra departamento de Educación por nuestros niños. #RicardoRosello #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
SAN JUAN – The Puerto Rico Teachers Federation (FMPR by its Spanish initials) said a strike on Aug. 15 will demonstrate its members’ “indignation” and “outrage” with “the government and the Department of Education.” The union, which has thousands of members, issued a release urging others to join its march from Plaza Colón in San Juan to the governor’s office, La Fortaleza, that morning. “The public education system, together with its fundamental components, the students and their teachers, have suffered the most brutal attack in history. Secretary of Education Julia Keleher has decreed the closure of some 450 schools in two years and has reduced the number of educators from 31,000 in 2016 to around 22,500 today. “Despite saying the student population does not justify more schools, the government is poised to push the creation of dozens of private charter schools, subsidized with public funds. Today, we are witness to one of the most disorganized new school year beginnings in history,” FMPR President Mercedes Martínez Padilla said in the release, which lists the following issues:
1. A hurried process of appointing teachers, calling thousands of educators “available resources.” 2. The forced transfer of children from schools to be closed even against the will of their guardians.
3. The violation of shifts and seniority in the appointment of transitory positions.
4. A humiliating drug-testing process, making teachers wait long hours to be able to work.
5. Arbitrary imposition of work programs and school organizations without faculty participation.
6. Starting the semester with hundreds of teachers who still do not know where they will be assigned. #PuertoRico #Resistencia #Lucha #Feministas #EducaciónPública #DefiendeLaEducación #VamosPaLaCalle #AquíNoHayMiedo #EnPieDeLucha #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
¡Tuvimos a cerrar las escuelas pero...POSITIVIDAD!
Puerto Rico’s government is like a video of a car accident. You know it’s gonna be bad but you just can’t stop watching! Here goes the governors wife trying to put some “positivity” and the fact that hundreds will lose their jobs, children are being displaced from their schools and some might not even be able to travel to their new school due to poor means of transportation! This shit is shameful! @educacionpr @ricardorossello @camaraderepresentantespr @senadopr @fortalezapr #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome
Shit turns my stomach! He’s really pretending that this is ok and that it’s something innovative! How are kids with wheelchairs supposed to access these “schools” and how the fuck are these boxes supposed to accommodate an entire school that housed hundreds of students? This is a disgrace! BASTA YA! #QueNingunaEscuelaSeaCerrada
#LaQuieroPública #JuliaRenuncia #RenunciaYa #DepartamentoDeEducacionDePuertoRico #JuliaKeleher #Racist #Bigot #Yanki #JuliaGoHome