raise3dn2plus 3dprinting raise3d 3dmodel 3ddesign thingiverse 3dprintingislove addictivepolymers additivemanufacturing cults3d flexplate fromqueretarocktotheworld mexicansmakingstuff myminifactory originalprusa plafilament prusamk2s prusamk3 prusaprinters prusaresearch raisethestandard steelsheet tusideasentusmanos 3dprinted 3dprinter finland model 3dtulostettu steelsheet
Mini Rick by @3dprintgeneral
Follow me for more@3d_printing_virals
Tiny Ricks and Pickle Rick designed by @3d_printguy at @myminifactory .
#tinyrick #picklerick #rickandmorty #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprint #print3d #impression3d #imprimante3d #3dmodel #3dprintmodel #thanos #raise3d #raise3dn2plus #avengers #avengers4 #avengersendgame #3dmakerthings #marvel #cr10 #prusai3 #captainmarvel #freestl #cosplay #diy #workinprogress #figure #infinitygauntlet #fanart #marvelfanart
3D printed Thanos vs Captain Marvel !
33" heigth
Watch the build video [LINK IN BIO]
#3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprint #print3d #impression3d #imprimante3d #3dmodel #3dprintmodel #thanos #raise3d #raise3dn2plus #avengers #avengers4 #avengersendgame #3dmakerthings #marvel #cr10 #prusai3 #captainmarvelvsthanos #marvelart #endgame #captainmarvel #freestl #cosplay #diy #workinprogress #figure #infinitygauntlet #fanart #marvelfanart
3D printed Thanos vs Captain Marvel diorama
More 40inch Watch the build video [LINK IN BIO]
#3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprint #print3d #impression3d #imprimante3d #3dmodel #3dprintmodel #thanos #raise3d #raise3dn2plus #avengers #avengers4 #avengersendgame #3dmakerthings #marvel #cr10 #prusai3 #captainmarvelvsthanos #marvelart #endgame #captainmarvel #freestl #cosplay #diy #workinprogress #figure #infinitygauntlet #fanart #marvelfanart
3D printed Thanos 1/2 scale !
Paint in progress
#3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprint #print3d #impression3d #imprimante3d #3dmodel #3dprintmodel #thanos #raise3d #raise3dn2plus #avengers #avengers4 #avengersendgame #3dmakerthings #marvel #cr10 #prusai3 #captainmarvelvsthanos #marvelart #endgame #captainmarvel #freestl #cosplay #diy #workinprogress #figure #infinitygauntlet #fanart #marvelfanart
Well @eastman3d sure did drop some on us with his latest file available for download over on @myminifactory Printed on the @raise3d & @creality3d CR-10 in @zyltech UJ Gun Metal & Black PLA. Very fun project lined up for this guy @3dgloop
#batman #3dprinting #fatman #oldmanbatman #batmanbeyond #batmanbust #batmanstatue #3dprinter #3dprinted #raise3d #raise3dn2plus #cr10 #3dgloop #unclejessy #printbig
Printing 16/365
Another example of how 3d printing is an option for the architecture students and graduates that are working.
Optimize times...attend to another topic while the printer manufactures the idea
Printed in our @raise3d N2+ at 0.35mm layer height, 15% grid infill (should have been 20% jeje), brim, supports and of course @magigooo, the best option for 3d printing adhesion
Find this model at @myminifactory as “Duplex house ground floor plan”
Designed by Fiberbrix
#additivemanufacturing #yourideasinyourhands #fromqueretarocktotheworld #tusideasentusmanos #3dprinting #3dprynxz #raise3dn2plus #raise3d #raisethestandard #architecture #autocad #caddesign #mexicansmakingstuff #plafilament #myminifactory #cults3d #thingiverse #magigoo