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What’s up, Achievers?! @laurenpak22 here and today we’re talking RDLs! We love Romanian Deadlifts! When done properly, they work your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back in a very functional position. They’re super easy to perform incorrectly however. Here are a few keys to RDLing successfully:
Get your knees bent to about 20 degrees! This places more stress on your glutes rather than relying on your hamstring flexibility for stability.
Keep the bar in close! The further away from your base; the tougher it’s going to be on your lower back
Speaking it lower back - keep it flat. Rounding it with a heavy weight in your hand can result in potential injury over time.
Now, this is advice for the 90% of you. Some of you might want to perform a Jefferson Curl and want to specifically provide a global spinal flexion input to your body. Or, maybe you want to perform a truly stiff legged deadlift if your flexibility allows and your weightlifting coach wants you to perform them this way. Or, maybe you’re purposely trying to push the bar away from your center of mass as a prehab or accessory move to improve your ability to buffer those forces on your spine, There are some caveats but this is the way we coach the RDL 100% of the time to our members at Achieve! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles ✌️!
#rdl #romaniandeadlift #deadlift #somervillema #achievefitnessboston
Want to increase speed, single leg stability, and linear explosiveness. Our friend from Cypress @giannis_ioannou89 at it once again with complex plyo movements mixed in with lunges RDLs and DBs for added upper body work and extra deceleration loads.
Upping the intensity with added leg resistance; scorch those glutes, hammies and thighs . Click profile for more.
#dumbellworkout #plyo #explosivepower #rdl #dumbellpress #stabilitytraining #resistancebands #ahighergear #speedtraining #singlelegexercises #trainbetter #athletictraining #sportsperformancetraining
What’s up, Achievers?! @jasonlpak here with a quick drill to help you with your Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)! RDLs are an excellent exercise to really target the posterior chain (your back, glutes, and hamstrings). Unlike a conventional deadlift where your hips are positioned slightly lower and your knees slightly more forward, the RDL really encourages a posterior weight shift and minimal forward motion of the knees.
This requires a really strong hip hinge position, and if you’re relatively new to RDLs it might be difficult to tell whether or not you’re hinging back far enough. This is where the box or bench RDL comes into play:
1️⃣Set up with your feet about hip width apart with your feet either straight ahead or slightly flared out
2️⃣Position yourself so that the back of your knees are about an inch or two in front of a box or bench
3️⃣Grab a barbell with your arms about shoulder width apart and bend your knees about 20 degrees
4️⃣Shift your weight back, push your knees out, and lean your torso forward to counterbalance
5️⃣Keep the bar really close to your legs and try to make contact with the backs of your knees on the bench at the very bottom of the movement.
The bench helps give you the feedback needed to really understand whether or not you’re shifting your weight far enough back during the RDL, and really targeting the glutes and hamstrings. We hope this post helped you out! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles ✌️!
#romaniandeadlift #romaniandeadlifts #rdl #rdls #glutes #hamstrings #achievefitnessboston #somervillema
Here is a quick clip from part of my posterior chain focused leg day today! Don’t mind my shakiness This was my 5th set towards the end of my workout and I was dead ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’ve been liking DB single leg deadlifts lately for killing the hammies and glutes! This one has had me feeling SORE the next day. When doing this it’s really important to engage your core for balance as well as keeping your weight shifted to the back while sitting back on your heal as you come down in the movement to get more glute engagement! I did 5 x 10 on each leg increasing the weight each set and super setted with reverse sliders. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Save & give this a try on your next day!
#hamstrings #rdl #hammies #hammiesandglutes #hamstringworkout #legday #legworkout #posteriorchain #fitnessgirlsmotivation #fitnessgirl #gymmotivation #legdayworkout #fitgirl #fitchick #summerbodygoals #gymsharkwomen #wbkgirls #bootygains #bootyworkouts