realdjs djlife music clubdj hiphop heydj hiphopculture oldschool oldschoolhiphop party realdj djcity djlifestyle pioneerdj dance djbooth djculture hiphopmusic instagood artist djindonesia djstyle instadj producer scratching seratodj smartboy
This is what our foldable flight case screen can do. Djs’s favorite!!#dj #djs #djequipment #djindonesia #djcontroller #djingismylife #heydj #djbooking #djlife #djbooth #djgear #realdjs #musicdj #musicdj #djculture #topdj #clubdj #djstuff #djsetup #topdj#djlive #djworld #djslife #djlights #djproducer #djbooths #djboothlife #customdjbooth #videodjbooth#leddjbooth
Le dimos unas vacaciones al traktor y le dimos amor a Serato dj!
@lucianotroviano gracias por el controlador
#pioneerdj #beats #nexus900 #d2 #traktor #buenosairesDJ #djlife #djset #pioneerdj #djbooth #remix #dancefloor #traktor #serato #technics #heydj #djlife #realdjs #djs #djgear #djlifestyle
#realdjingtv @pioneerdjusa When the #DDJ200 meets @djcarloatendido the Philippine @redbull3style Champion it becomes a #scratching machine! #Controller #Partystarter #MobileDJ #HobbyDJ #DJLife full video in @djcarloatendido profile link .
#dj #turntablism #djlife #pioneerdj #playwithmusic #redbull #scratchdj #hiphop #realdjing #djs #scratch #turntablist #seratodj #music #serato #realdj #scratching #3style #party #realdjs #turntable
A little excerpt from yesterday’s practice. This is how I’ve been attempting to get my off hand up to speed. Slowly cranking up the bpm and having a Q&A with myself.
#turntablism #turntablist #scratch #tablebeats @tablebeats @scratchgeek @paulskratch #scratchgeek #scratchgeeks #scratching #scratchdj #beatjuggling #dj #djs #realdjing #realdj #realdjs #realdjshit #portablism
About to start today at @topgolfmiami 7-12am #topgolfmiamigardens ♥️☀️
#miamigardens #winwin #topgolfmiami #djlife #femaledj #girldj #girlspower #turntables #technics1210mk2 #pioneers9 #seratodjpro #bosedjpro #boses1pro #anvilcases #realdjs #latinadj #latindjs #tourlife #miamilife #miamiliving #radiodjs @theradiodjs @clubbsessions #unitedstates #worldwide