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So, I’ve officially decided to stop covering all of my gray hair. I’m 37 and have been covering my gray hair for 10 years. I really like my Rogue-ish color pattern: white at the temples, a dark salt & pepper everywhere else. I may add low lights if the platinum starts to wash my Scottish skin out, but I’m excited about this journey! :) A big thanks to my inspirations: @acommon_life @freshbeauty @howbourgeois #silverhair #silversisters #grayatthirty #redefiningyouth #redefiningbeauty
We may or may not claim these athletes Yorktown Softball with a hysterical video here after a big win yesterday. I know as current or former athletes, we can all relate to that awesome feeling that comes post a win when you're surrounded by your teammates. #softballstrengthacademy #softball #softballstrong #femalestrong #redefiningyouth #softball #softballgame #softballgirls #softballlife #fastpitchsoftball #fastpitchlife
In honor of #tbt and Dom hitting her first collegiate HR this weekend, we're bring back an extremely useful tool we have utilized when training hitters on the inside and outside pitches. @dominiquebisaccia
#Repost @softballstrengthacademy with @repostapp
When working on the inside and outside pitch, the double tee drill is extremely effective. Additionally, in order to gain a better understanding of pitch selection, I will remove 1/3 of the outside part of plate when looking for middle/in pitches and remove 1/3 of the inside part of the plate when looking for middle out pitches. This helps hitters visualize and develop a better plan when approaching the plate.
#hitting #softball #redefiningyouth #redefiningtheyouthathlete #redefiningthesoftballathlete #fastpitch #fastpitchsoftball #hittingithard #inandout #teework #hittingdrills