refugee photography photographer bnw_globe bnw_planet d750 documentary jj_blackwhite monochrome photographer_photographing_the_world photojournalist world_bnw refugees withrefugees humanity refugeeswelcome arttherapy charity germany mytennights rohingya syria artist children givingback humanrights mentalhealth refugeecamp syrianrefugees nyiff
This is one of my most favourite places to spend time at the office. I decided it would be mine in my early days at WFP and made sure everyone knew. Now that I’m a little older, my colleagues have shown me that I don’t need to be so possessive over it and I’m much better at sharing this doormat AND my toys. In fact, one of my favourite things to do when I get a new toy is to run up and show everyone by pushing it against their legs until they look at it with the same excitement I have. I’m so glad they showed me how to share and be kind because I think it makes me a better pup and a much better humanitarian #tbt
Ecco cos’è il razzismo ❌
La video testimonianza, in due parti, di un ragazzo che è in Italia da anni, che ha studiato, che lavora e paga le tasse.
Un ragazzo di 23 anni, per bene, che è fuggito dalla persecuzione etnica nel suo paese e cerca solo pace e tranquillità.
Qualche giorno fa era andato a fare la spesa al supermercato.
Alla cassa una signora lo ha accusato di vivere sulle spalle dello Stato.
Il marito gli ha dato dello sporco negro di merda.
Il ragazzo, spaventato, ha minacciato di chiamare la polizia, ma ridendo lo hanno fatto loro.
Lo hanno accusato di tentata violenza e furto.
Le persone attorno sono intervenute, lo hanno difeso. Hanno detto la verità.
Ma se non ci fossero stati testimoni?
I suoi occhi delusi, scoraggiati, feriti, non li dimenticherò mai.
Dice che adesso ha paura ad andare in giro, si guarda sempre alle spalle.
Dove stiamo andando a finire?
Dove ci porterà questo clima di paura?
Manteniamoci informati. Sempre.
Non puó esserci libertà nell’ignoranza.
#racism #razzismo #diritti #stories #immigrazione #vita #verità #umanità #dirittiumani #ragazzo #rifugiato #refugee #refugees #humans #storiedallaltromondo #restiamoumani #discriminazione
An unexpected package arrived in the mail yesterday...I was happy to receive this #humanrights educator kit. Thank you @uofhumanrights. There are so many things each of us can do to help improve this world for ourselves and future generations. Every little bit counts!
Watch for the interview with @ginomckoy and myself coming soon to Poverty Talks on our essay discussing the impact of education and access to technology to disadvantaged communities and families living in poverty.
Who’s that handsome guy? It me!!!! This mirror is great for staring at my reflection but it’s even better for looking under cars before they enter our office area. It belongs to the security team and they check every vehicle that comes into our office. Keeping our team safe and secure means we can focus on our work and make sure that 900,000 refugees have safe and secure access to food every month
Dream do come true right?
I have been watching @ajstream when I was in the refugee and never thought I would ever be on this show but as time goes I had an inspiration that doesn’t matter where you’re or the situation you’re in you can make it.
Today I was a guest on the show hosted by @femioke and @mmbilal and talking about Gaming for good with @tha.rami And Susanna the president of @gamesforchangeeurope
My family had the opportunity to watch it live cause its the only international tv show which they have access to watch in northern Uganda.
Also i was able to meet @mmbilal and @femioke in person such an exciting day for me.
Keep growing and never give up!
You can watch the full episode link on my bio.
Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me in this journey especially the game dev community and my bro @luoldeng9 @jameschristianrusso
I may look happy but it’s been a rough weekend in the camps. The first major monsoon rains descended on the camps on Friday evening and damaged 170 shelters. The @worldfoodprogramme was there to distribute these high energy biscuits to families affected by the rains so they don’t go hungry. Over the next few months there will be loads more heavy rains, but we’ve been planning for it so families have enough to eat and can still reach food distribution points