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Very interesting @healmedoc - X-ray of a penile transplant during a sex change! Thoughts?
There are three basic kinds of penile implants used in FTM phalloplasty: the non inflatable or semi-rigid implant, the 2-piece inflatable implant, and the 3-piece inflatable implant.
Non Inflatable Penis Implant: One or two bendable and “positionable” rods are inserted into the penis. The rods have an outer coating of silicone and inner stainless steel core or interlocking plastic joints. Non inflatable (or semi-rigid) implants are always firm. They can be bent into different positions for erect and flaccid states. These implants are used the least of all types, in approximately 10% of cases. How it works: For an erection, simply bend the penis in the erect position. To end the erection, bend the penis down.
2-Piece Inflatable Penile Implants: Inflatable penile implants have two cylinders in the shaft of the penis, a reservoir that holds salt water, and a hydraulic pump to move the salt water from the reservoir to the cylinders, providing an erection. The release valve on the pump drains the salt water out of the cylinders and back into the reservoir. How it works: Gently squeeze the concealed pump in the scrotum several times. This moves the saline solution from the reservoir into the cylinders. As the cylinders fill, the penis becomes erect and firm. To end the erection, gently bend the penis down for 6-12 seconds. This transfers fluid back into the reservoir.
3-Piece Inflatable Penile Implants: A 3-piece inflatable implant has the cylinders in the penis, the reservoir in the belly, and the pump and release valve in the scrotum. These are the most common of the penile implants, used in approximately 75% of cases. How it works: Gently squeeze the concealed pump in the scrotum several times. This moves the saline solution from the reservoir into the cylinders. As the cylinders fill, the penis becomes erect and firm. To end the erection, simply press a “deflation site” on the pump. Deflating the cylinders transfers the fluid back to the reservoir and the penis becomes flaccid.
Stay knowledgeable and stay healthy everyone!
Исследование желудочно-кишечного тракта с сульфатом бария. Через 9 часов после того, как ребёнок выпил бариевую взвесь, контрастирована толстая кишка, которая частично расположена в грудной полости. Диафрагмальная грыжа. #xray #rentgenology #radiology #medicine #anatomy #torax #lungs #abdomen #hernia #intestine #colon #рентген #рентгенография #медицина #анатомия #диафрагма #грыжа #кишечник #барий #жкт
Всегда обращайте внимание ваших лаборантка на то, что надо полностью! снимать одежду на области исследования, а у девушек ещё и заказывать волосы. Данное образование верхушки правого лёгкого оказалось всего лишь резинкой для волос. #rentgenology #radiology #medicine #anatomy #torax #lungs #xray #tumor #рентген #рентгенография #медицина #сердце #легкие #опухоль #киста
Вспомнилась тут прикольная деваха боксёр на одной из смен, где я параллельно заступал рентгенологом. Довольно быстро мы нашли с ней общий язык. Мне потом ещё "лизь" в бороду сделали. Всё-таки самые светлые души на этой земле у животных. Завести себе что ли пёсу...
#шанс_био #rentgenology #vet #animalcare