reputationgirl reputationtour taylorswift joealwyn repera reputation reputationera reputationstadiumtour swift swiftie swiftieforever swifties swiftlife taylornation taylurking taytay theswiftlife ts7iscoming taylorswiftapril26 swiftlife
"Live your life like you're 80 looking back on your teenager years. You know if your dad calls you at eight in the morning and asks if you want to go out for breakfast, as a teenager you're like, 'No, I want to sleep.' But as an eighty year old looking back you have that breakfast with your dad. It just little things like that, that helped me when I was a teenager in terms of making choices you won't regret." said Taylor.
@taylorswift @joe.alwyn @taylornation #theswiftlife #taylorswift #taytay #taylornation #swiftieforever #swift #swifties #swiftie #swiftlife #joealwyn #reputationstadiumtour #reputationera #reputationtour #reputation #rep #reputationgirl #repera #ts7 #ts7iscoming #taylurking
Taylor became the first and only female artist to be in the cover of TIME magazine three times!!
@taylorswift @joe.alwyn @taylornation #theswiftlife #taylorswift #taytay #taylornation #swiftieforever #swift #swifties #swiftie #swiftlife #joealwyn #reputationstadiumtour #reputationera #reputationtour #reputation #rep #reputationgirl #repera #ts7 #ts7iscoming #taylurking #taylorswiftapril26
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#taylor #swift #taylorswift #tayloralisonswift #taytay #reputationgirl #reputation #replik #taylorreplik #taylorswiftreplik #taylors #amazing #reputationstadiumtour #selenagomez #katyperry #cute #shawnmendes #camilacabello #swiftie #swiftiefamily #family #swifties #swiftieforever #forever
Style Caster said that Taylor's former Bad Blood team (Squad) has changed and has formed a new team with new people!!
@taylorswift @joe.alwyn @taylornation #theswiftlife #taylorswift #taytay #taylornation #swiftieforever #swift #swifties #swiftie #swiftlife #joealwyn #reputationstadiumtour #reputationera #reputationtour #reputation #rep #reputationgirl #repera #ts7 #ts7iscoming #taylurking
The secret message of the song "I Almost Do" is "Wrote this instead of calling".
@taylorswift @joe.alwyn @taylornation #theswiftlife #taylorswift #taytay #taylornation #swiftieforever #swift #swifties #swiftie #swiftlife #joealwyn #reputationstadiumtour #reputationera #reputationtour #reputation #rep #reputationgirl #repera #ts7 #ts7iscoming #taylurking
She was STUNNING (as usual) at the Golden Globe Awards!!
@taylorswift @joe.alwyn @taylornation #theswiftlife #taylorswift #taytay #taylornation #swiftieforever #swift #swifties #swiftie #swiftlife #joealwyn #reputationstadiumtour #reputationera #reputationtour #reputation #rep #reputationgirl #repera