ritualsaroundtheworld awakentheinnershaman thetashamanru теташаман пробудивнутреннегошамана реальныепрактикидляреальныхлюдей ритуалыповсемусвету высшаяцель шаманскиепрактики семинаригражизни gameoflife инсбрук paris innsbruck insbruck shivaratri духпобеды namaste nepal sadhus worship животноесилы строить funnyrituals raasmanch weddingrituals впотоке замкифранции awakentheinnershaman
We then shared a nice conversation around why he chose (or was he chosen) of a Sadhu - how fasting, meditation, worshipping, living off with no material possession in this world goes beyond the getting high. But our conversation end very cutely, "Do u have Singapore money? I want to collect them in my album from people I've met here." I love the energy of this Sadhu. He is keeping it real.
#nepal #shivaratri #sadhus #worship #namaste
Sadhus (holy man) waiting around - either meditating, offering prayer and blessing for worshippers, smoking hashish and more. Our senses; sight, sound, smell got a real play date during this festival. One particular Sadhu was very interested in my camera (@djiglobal Osmo Pocket) that he said "wah, tiny tiny camera. Teach me how to use this." Swipe to see what happens next.
#nepal #shivaratri #sadhus #worship #namaste
I asked one of the female Sadhus what is it that she has been meditating about and what she hoped for herself and humanity, she declined to answer and said it will all be shared when the right time comes. However, she did share her pain of how this sacred temple has now become a place for other Sadhus from other parts of the world, who will make their way to Nepal for the Shivaratri festival, smoke the grass silly and try to make money off their spiritual insights for the locals and tourists. Has a place of worship become something else for some?
#nepal #shivaratri #sadhus #worship #namaste
Steal Heart - Not Shoes!
In India, to celebrate the couple's union, the stealing of the groom's shoes is one the traditional games. he groom’s family have to do their best to keep the shoes from falling into the mitts of the bride’s family, and the groom ultimately has to pay a ransom to get them back.
#RaasManch #Kolkata #WeddingRituals #FunnyRituals #RitualsAroundTheWorld