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When I was a kid, my mom took me to the movies every Thursday. We'd pack our little snack baggies of apples and healthy stuff, greet the elderly employees of the theater, Clarence and Harry (who both had crushes on my mom), and settle into our seats.
We'd always stay to see the same movie twice, because in between showings they'd play a preset radio station with the same songs on it: that "I would walk 500 miles" song and "What's Up". I'd perform in the front of the theater for my mom, more of a satire of each song. I'd make her laugh and have the best time until the movie would play again.
The ushers never bothered us, they just saw a mom & daughter making memories that I'd need to last me a lifetime. It's precious to me that "What's Up" is a recurring song in my career, and I still perform it for her, each time, and twice on Thursdays. ️ @phephilms
In 1988, around 1:30PM, Price @price213 Acme @acme_sh and Felix (Cat) and I head to the river off the 5 freeway. We park and with duffle bags full of silvers and True Blues...the silvers were freshly racked from Standard Brands...we climb down the ladder in to the river and walk to this bare concrete can also see a BPO high above us. As I sketched out the letters, Felix (Cat), Price and Acme would fill in. I remember using a shopping cart to help me reach higher. Trying to beat the sunset. We rocked these during the day time. Good times...missing you Price!! Photo by : Felix “Cat” Rodriguez next day
PS - these letters were pretty tall by the way...and was a freeway spot. Rocking day time sh** before ya’ll...ask somebody
#rockwood #crazys #priceotr #pricelod #pricerestinpeace #otr #ontherun #locsondope #lod #galo #acme #lovegalo #weasel #cat #felix #blockbusters #gangblocks #ganglettering #gangsterblocks #bpo #burbankpunkorganization
Show announcement!
I’ll be joined by @delaneycp for a special show @rockwoodmusichall on June 10th at 8:30 pm! Can’t wait to join her on stage for what is sure to be an evening filled with moody harmonies, well placed tattoos and plain old girl power.
Please enjoy this very extra edit, original : @chris.perino