rootcanalspecialist endodontics rootcanal rootcanaltreatment dentistry endodontist dentist endodoncia endodontic rootcanaltherapy endodontia rootcanals dentistrylife endo rootcanalfilling dental endolovers teeth dentistrylove dentists endodontie endodontists endolove singlevisitendodontic endolady rootcanalretreatment saveteeth endodontista generaldentistry rootcanalfilling
*insert meme about prince William looking like he's flipping off someone off but it's just the angle, angle of films matter blah blah blah*
This patient had presented with severe pain within a week after the CEREC crown was placed, even though it was reported to be asymptomatic prior to the crown or core buildup. The RD said the core buildup had been very close to the pulp but there had been no pulp exposure. Because the CEREC had been so recently placed, I kept the access conservative.
For this case, the 2-dimensional radiograph originally seems like it would be a C-shaped canal system or just 2 canals, however there were 3 canals! And the canals were actually all separate, then joined to a common foramen #thethrillofthefill
Single visit treatment. Dx: SIP SAP
#endodontist #rootcanalspecialist #rootcanal #rootcanalssaveteeth #saveyourteeth #rootcanaltreatment #Endolife #endonerd #dentistry #dental #dentalschool #dentalstudent #dentalhumor #medicalschool
#medicine #nursing
#nydentist #hamptonsdentist #theholypulp #pulpkhaleesi #pulppontiff
Happy #mb2sday! Curves curves curves galore. Curves are thrilling yet satisfying
Single visit, Dx: SIP SAP.
#thethrillofthefill #curvesoncurves #rootcanalspecialist #endodontist #rootcanal #rootcanalssaveteeth #rootcanaltreatment #Endolife #endonerd #dentistry #dental #dentalschool #dentalstudent #endowomen #womenindentistry #womeninmedicine #dentalmedicine #emergencytreatment #dentalcare #minimallyinvasive #theholypulp #pulpkhaleesi #pulppontiff
As I sit back and reflect while I am on this trip, I can’t help but think about the different times of my life.
My 20s were a decade of freedom, a decade of fun and no real responsibilities. I was young and building the first layer of my life studying hard every step of the way. I was just getting to know myself (so I thought)
My 30s were stressful as I learned to take on new responsibilities, became a wife, then a boss and then a mother. I hustled my butt off and lost myself all over again in the process. My 30s were about establishing myself and building the final layers of that foundation I started in my 20s.
Now in my 40s I am entering a new realm, a new level of consciousness. Realizing I could keep hustling if I really wanted to or I could take intentional moments of rest to gain clarity of what I really want in this life. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Life doesn’t have to be a struggle and it doesn’t need to be full of suffering. These are the lessons that I am learning only now. If you live your life with intention, anything is possible.
#findyourpurpose #intentionalliving #supersoulsunday #findyourtribe #raiseyourenergy #endodontist #rootcanalspecialist #dentistlife #dentistsofinstagram #mommydentist #travelmoreworryless #wanderlust #alwaysgrowing #growthmindset #fearless #expandyourworld #expandyourmind #spiritualjourney #loveyourlife #exploremore #domore #bemore
Repost : @osmiowater
. (تمت ترجمه النص الى العربيه للفائدة و تعلقي عليه موجود في أبرز القصص تحت عنوان جذور الأسنان)
نصيحة صحية: لماذا تحتاج حقًا إلى التفكير مرتين إذا كان طبيب أسنانك يوصيك بالحصول على علاج قناة الجذر.
سينصحك غالبية أطباء الأسنان بأن علاج قنوات الجذور آمنة تمامًا ، لكن يمكن أن تظل ممتلئة بالجذور في الغالبية العظمى من الحالات التي تترك الجهاز المناعي باستمرار تحت الهجوم.
تنشأ نسبة عالية جدا من الأمراض التنكسية المزمنة من الأسنان المملوءة بالجذور بما في ذلك أمراض القلب والسرطان. ابحث عن شخص مصاب بسرطان الثدي ، وعلى الأرجح ستجد قناة الجذر على نفس الجانب من الجسم
HEALTH ADVICE: Why you really need to think twice if your dentist recommends you getting a root canal.
The majority of dentists will advise you that root canals are entirely safe yet infections can linger in filled in roots in the vast majority of cases leaving the immune system constantly under attack.
A very high percentage of chronic degenerative diseases originate from root filled teeth including heart disease and cancer.Find someone with breast cancer and you will most likely find a root canal on the same side of the body.
#rootcanal #health #healthyliving
#rootcanal #livehealthy
Increased magnification and light is so important in endodontics because I'm not just working on tiny teeth, I'm working through a tiny dark space, in the tiny canals, in those tiny teeth! #thecanalisdarkandfullofterrors #gameofthrones
Whether it's looking for additional canals, following fins and isthmuses, evaluating margins and fractures, or just increasing my visualization as a whole, my surgical operating microscope is one of my favorite equipments in my arsenal.
What are your most important instruments or pieces of equipment of your field? ⚔ My Zeiss Pico kind of reminds me of the sweet robot from one of my favorite movies of all time, so I will be naming him Wall-E #walle #iloveeve #iameve #eveisanangrylittleasiangirl #thinkaboutit
#endodontist #rootcanalspecialist #rootcanal #rootcanalssaveteeth #rootcanaltreatment #rootcanals #dentistry #dental #dentalschool #microsurgery #microscope #nycdentist #nycendodontist #nydentist #uppereastside #dental #tooth #medicine #medicalschool #theholypulp
Some S curves and lateral canals for the day!
This patient presented with a sinus tract and pain in the UL. This off-center lesion looks somewhat like a "J-shaped lesion" but that does NOT always mean a fracture!
In this case, the probing depths were all WNL so I did not suspect a fracture but instead a lateral canal. Sure enough, there was!
Premolars like this can be tricky because the canals are extremely thin and delicate, and these were both S- shaped canals on top of it. Dx pulpal necrosis, chronic apical abscess. Single visit treatment.
#endodontist #rootcanalspecialist #rootcanal #rootcanalssaveteeth #rootcanaltherapy #endonerd #endowomen #abscess #endolove #dentalabscess #nyc #microsurgery #nycdentist #nycendodontist #dentist #dentalcare #dentistry #theholypulp #pulpkhaleesi
Straightforward #3 - SIP / SAP.
Pt is 24 weeks pregnant and presents to emergency appt.
Didn’t want her to leave her hanging with pulpectomy and a temporary restoration until the end of her pregnancy, so convinced her to have me finish the RCT today during emergency.
Instrumented with Dentsply Vortex.
Also didn’t want her to have to go through another dental appt during pregnancy, so completed core buildup for her using Luxacore.
Advised pt to get the crown after pregnancy.
*Tratamiento Conservador*
Paciente de 19 años, que se presenta a consulta con curación, por caries en el surco vestibular.
sensibilidad a los cambios térmicos la molestia cesa al retirar el estímulo.
Pulpa responde normal a pruebas de vitalidad.
Dx. Pulpitis Reversible
Se limpia la cavidad y se decide hacer una proteccion pulpar indirecta con MTA.
Se coloca cinta teflón en la base y provisit como material temporal. Se remite para su restauración final.
#endo #endodontics #endodontie #endodontia #endodontic #pulpcapping #recubrimientopulpar #dentist #dentista #dentistry #odontologia #odontologo #odontologiaespecializada #rootcanalspecialist #conservativedentistry #conservativedentistryandendodontics