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Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Весёлые мы с Марией и немножко серьёзный Олег . Обучаемся и просвещаемся . Вообще, я за вечную "молодость мозгов", поэтому тренировать свои извилины надо как можно чаще . Давайте делиться полезной информацией в комментах . Расскажите какой самый полезный тренинг/обучение вы проходили? . . . . #vsco #тренинг #обучение #молодость #бм #проектармия #концентрат #бизнес #стратегия #мотивация #цели #учеба #люблюжизнь #enjoy #interestinglife #чтврч #топвтоп2 #lifemoments #russianeducation #business #summit #we_lovewwp_capital #friends #topteam #beautiful #handsome #GN #полезныйвечер

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Finnish education vs Russian education. People often ask me this question and I will try to answer from my point of view. Study program: You can choose major and minor fields of study. Very popular mix - IT and Business. You have compulsory courses, but for the rest you decide yourself when and what to learn. But sometimes your schedule is really inconvenient - some courses are in the same time or a huge space between lessons. You only chose study direction and you got a schedule for the semester. Usually lessons start from 8, 3-4 lessons per day and no spaces. Yes, some courses are really useless. Exams: You can choose a day of exam. 3 attempts in total. If you failed all, this course is not accepted and you take another one. In the exam you have a list with tasks (usually 4-6) and you write your solution. I also had an exams where I had to code and send the working program. If you cheat, you are kicked out from the exam with warning. If you cheat twice, you are kicked out from the university The dates of exams and retakes are scheduled. Usually it is a test with 20-40 questions or 2-3 tasks with free answer. Also 3 attempts. If you fail all, you are kicked out from the university. If you don’t pass more than 2 courses, you are also kicked out. But if you cheat, you just get a warning from the teacher or maximum you leave the exam. Study cost: For Finns education is free, but only 30% of applicants are accepted to universities. Also if you pass courses in time, you got a payment from government which is enough to cover daily life. For foreigners there are grants which usually also include scholarships ~560€ monthly. Only 50% of universities places in Russia are free, cost depends on university and is ~2000€ per year. If your grades are only 4 and 5 and you study for free you get a government scholarship ~50€ #education #finland #finnisheducation #russianeducation #russia

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Меня сегодня забомбило что-то Про образование в наших школах. Я вспомнила, что у меня дома до сих пор валяется куча крутых (тире дорогих) учебников по английскому языку. И кажется ни один из них был до конца даже не пройден, дай бог на половину. Ну как же, новый класс новый бук. Помните эти комплекты, 2книженции плюс диск который изредка нам врубали...я к чему это, мы столько времени тратили на эти книженции, грамматику и делали упражнения, что казалось, что мы знаем язык уже в совершенстве, но доходя до первого иностранца теряли дар речи И было ощущение, что нам нужен ещё один предмет "английский разговорный язык". . Ютуб.ведь он тогда существовал. Неужели это блин так сложно осуществить: делать раз в неделю разборы песен, сленговые фразы, всеми любимые лекции @ted ! Интерес к предмету, он же должен как-то подогреваться. Одними книжечками тут не обойдешься.. . Фолловеры мои, какими сервисами вы пользуетесь, если изучаете английский? Крутые каналы на Ютубе, Инстаграмы? Пишите в комментариях . . . . . #english #tedtalks #education #russia #russianeducation #spb #kids #teachers #follow

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

#euroweekazerbaijan #loveenglish #ingilisdili #russianeducation #learningenglish #generalenglish #rusdili #ingilisdili #rusdiliqrammatikası #birlikdeoyrenek #bizimle #euroweek #europe #englishlanguageteaching

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

*** DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION SYSTEM (English text) Можно бесконечно спорить, чья система образования лучше- наша или европейскаяНо главное отличие заключается в том, что наша система работает на бесконечный поток исправления ошибок, а европейская на твой прогресс в обучении. Наша система образования базируется на порицании, их- на твоём успехе, пусть даже незначительном! Наши выпускники( троечники) выходят неуверенные в себе и своих силах; их, даже самые неспособные, преуспевают. Мы считаем, что лучше всего работает кнут, они- пряник! А вы как думаете? Много комплексов у вас со школы? _____________________________________________ *** DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION SYSTEM  We can argue endlessly whose education system is better-ours or the European ones.But the main difference is that our system works for an endless stream of error correction, and the European is for their progress in training. Our education system is based on censure, theirs is based on success, even though it's not great success! Our graduates ( with bad marks) come out not to believe in their forces, their most incapable students succeed. We believe that the whip works best, they are the carrot! • And what do you think? How many complexes do you have after school? #irkutsk #russianeducation #educationabroad #educationinrussia #educationsystem #russia #lifeinrussia #unique_siberia_teacher #unique_siberia_society #siberia #teacher #teachingasalifestyle #learningforlife

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Идет сессия. Прошли обходы 3 курса. На картинке подача по композиции ОДНОГО СТУДЕНТА 3 курса БАКАЛАВРИАТА, @angl_angl. Рук. проф. Михайлова Л.В., доц. Семенова А.А. #учеба#stieglitzacademy#designer#textile#textiledesign#pattern#russianeducation#образованиевроссии #stieglitztextile

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Делегация из ЮФУ представляет университет для школьников, студентов и администрации образовательных учреждений в Китае #ЮФУ #учисьвроссии #российскоеобразование #китай #команда #командировка #весна #sfedu #studuinrussia #businesstrip #university #school #russianeducation #china

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Hey there, who voted for "education" in stories ✌️ today in #russia_4_you_education i'll tell you about medical care for foreign students in Russia. Press ❣️ and read⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ⠀ Medical assistance provided to foreign students is not paid for from compulsory health insurance. Foreign students are insured under voluntary health insurance programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ⠀ First aid to foreign citizens is rendered free of charge and without delay. Planned medical care for foreign citizens is paid on a fee-paying basis. Planned medical care for foreign citizens is provided in case of a health violation that does not pose an immediate threat to their life, in accordance with the contract for the provision of paid medical services or a voluntary and (or) compulsory medical insurance agreement. .⠀  A list of medical services (including medical and transport services) provided in the system of medical insurance to insured foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation: . . . . ⠀ - medical assistance provided by stations (offices, points) of emergency medical care; . ⠀ - medical care in outpatient and inpatient medical institutions in case of sudden health disorder and accidents in the amount necessary to eliminate the threat to the life of the patient and / or to relieve acute pain; . . . ⠀ - transportation by medical transport or other means of transport, including medical escort (medical team, doctor, nurse), from the scene of the disease (incident) to a medical institution - posthumous repatriation (transportation) of the remains. ✌️who found me on the photo!? ✌️ . #russia#russia_4_you#ru#modernrussia#russia_4_you_modernrussia#myrussia#russiantrip#traveltorussia#russians#russianreality#russiatoday#russianvacation#medicine#russianmedicine#medicalcare#medicineinrussia#俄语 #俄罗斯 #学习俄语#我学习俄语#我爱俄罗斯#旅行#旅行#russianeducation #studyinrussia

Hashtags for theme #RUSSIANEDUCATION

Guys, on Wednesday morning - 10 a.m. in Moscow time, I wanna have LIVE here ‍ - Прямой эфир. Which grammar topic is interesting for you to discuss? Or maybe some topics about russian culture, people, cities?! Write in comments and I will choose the topic for tomorrow meeting #live #russianlanguage #russianteacher #russiantutor #russiangrammar #skyperussian #russianeducation #русскийпоскайпу #русскийкакиностранный

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