sakuma anime fubuki kidou inazumaeleven aphrodi endou hiroto kazemaru kirino haruna inazuma inazumaelevenares inazumaelevenorion otaku anime2018 animelove animes animesports asuto atsuya captainendoumamoru football fudou futbol goenji haizaki inazuma11 hiroyuki
Nathan’s bday edits 1/3
I KNOW IT WAS KIND OF WEIRD TO MAKE THIS ONE A BIRTHDAY EDIT CONSIDERING I NEVER POSTED IT AND I MADE IT A LONG WHILE AGO!! But it was the first edit I’d ever made for you! And considering I never posted it, I wanted to post it today with the two others I made to show you how much I appreciate you. Happy birthday Nathan!
Ac: me
I was fortunate to see Lion #Dancers from the #Sakuma tribe perform the story of their lion killing outside a village in rural Tanzania. #Liondancers are men who have killed a lion in defense of their cattle or their village. Once they have proved themselves, they can then be hired to perform this service for others and this is where things get complicated for conservation. They are a deeply superstitious people who believe that once they have killed a lion they have to become a lion dancer for 3 to 5 years to avoid going mad. They spend a year or longer preparing with the local witchdoctor and then go from village to village seeing their relatives and dancing while collecting tribute for their bravery. In a time when lion are very scarce in the region, this practice is actively discouraged by conservation organizations and it is slowly dying out. When the dancers appear in the villages, they are often praised and given money, goats and even sometimes a small cow.
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Follow @natgeo._.azerbaijan
#killedlion #tradition #tanzania
#exploringafrica #africansafaris #exploringourglobe #exploreafrica #africa #african #exploring #explorer #explore #travelafrica #africanbeauty #visitafrica #wildlife #animals #southafrica #tanzania #egypt #namibia #kenya #zimbabwe #botswana #travelgram #elephant #amboseli #tanzania
Kazemaru or Sakuma?Kazemaru
#anime #animeboys #boys #inazuma #inazumaeleven #inazumaelevenaresnotenben #aresnotenbin #ares #inazumaelevenorionnokokuin #orionnokokuin #orion #kazemaru #kazemaruichirouta #ichirouta #nathan #nathanswift #swift #sakuma #sakumajirou #jirou #david #davidsamford #samford #football #japan #bluehair #whitechair #kido