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The charity @wateraid placed 800 abandoned schoolbags on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral as a tribute to the number of young children who lose their lives every single day due to dirty water and poor sanitation. The names of real children were placed on the bags in the front row, including a 9-month-old from Madagascar and a 5-year-old from Zambia who was just about to start school. About 2.3 billion people, nearly a third of the world's population still don't have access to basic toilet facilities. Nearly 290,000 children died in 2017 from diarrhoea caused by the lack of sanitation. Wateraid's head of media Fiona Callister said the simple answer to solve the global water problem has been known for decades; "what we lack is the political will. What's missing is for someone looking at these 800 bags to value the lives they represent." Photos: Oliver Dixon/REX/Shutterstock
Cone sink by @marie.scheurer which provides splash protection for walls and also offers a shelf - all in the same sheet of metal!
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Doenças associadas à falta de saneamento fazem novas vitimas constantemente.
Dados do DATASUS constatou que somente em 2017 tiveram mais de 258 mil internações, causadas pela dengue, febre amarela, leptospirose, diarreia, esquistossomose e malária.
Investimentos e acesso à água, medidas de higiene e saneamento básico são fundamentais para mudar este panorama.
#saneamentobasico #sanitation #saneamento #water #agua #esgoto #doencas #internacoes #dengue #leptospirose #malaria #diarreia
Can’t resist! It’s New York found - heavy and tactile and satisfying to hold: a bottle warped by heat into a chunky crunkled art work. Bonfire glass. Lugged it back to London. #glass #bonfireglass #bonfire #bottles #beachfinds #beachcombing #beachcombingfinds #bottledump #trash #landfill #newyorkbeaches #robertmoses #mudlark #foreshorefinds #seaglass #buriedtreasure #newyorkcity #sanitation
O estudo do Instituto Trata Brasil realizado em parceria com o CEPAS|USP - Centro de Pesquisa de Águas Subterrâneas da USP, apontou que existem mais de 2,5 milhões de poços no país e grande parte deles são clandestinos (88%), o que traz altos riscos de contaminações em nossas águas.
O potencial das águas subterrâneas para abastecimento humano é exorbitante, mas deve-se existir verificação legal para a perfuração e os poços devem ser cadastrados no poder público.
Acesse o estudo completo, link na bio ou:
Foto: Água, sua linda.
#saneamento #saneamentobasico #sanitation #tratabrasil #trata #brasil #brazil #water #agua #waterday #waterweek