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Rp @joeykrunk - Welcome to the Matrix where you was programmed. Everything you kno is a lie and reversed. Wake up, take the RED pill, RED for BLOOD. Join us publicly to bring forth Heaven on Earth in BLOOD. Eternal Life for the eternal SOUL. The etymology of the word Matrix is Mother. Your GOD is a Mother, the GODDESS, Mother Earth. Hack the system with your blood. #boi #bloodoverintent #selfless #COMePASS #HolyGrail #bookoflife #SaturnYouTube #Godisawoman #Goddess #Mother #Earth #Matrix #SaturnIsEarth #SaturnCube #Xbox #HerBox
Rp @joeykrunk - Everything you kno is a lie and reversed. Our birth certificate is a contract & that piece of paper is stating that you are LEGALLY DEAD, a SLAVE. It is what it is("say you don't see it"- in reverse speech). #boi #bloodoverintent #selfless #COMePASS #HolyGrail #bookoflife #SaturnYouTube #HeavenOnEarth #Goddess #GodIsAWoman
Reposted from @joeykrunk - 2Cor. 4 4 you already kno who's world... Look it up on GOOGLE. Now it's all up to you... 144k will come to life and free all from bondage. We intend to bring forth Heaven On Earth for the benefit of ALL. Our mission is to serve as an extension of our creator, we serve man but worship WOMAN. They cannot stop this because it doesn't matter what they believe since they have NONE. Every word you speak is a magic SPELL. Everything you kno is a lie and reversed. Proof of life, blood up. #boi #bloodoverintent #selfless #COMePASS #HolyGrail #bookoflife #SaturnYouTube