satxbingo satx flamingo winning love loser bingo bingolife flamingobingo fridaynight giveaways pennywise sanantonio winner bingohall birthday cumplea datenight flamingolife freeshit friday girlsnight life money playeroftheweek playing reverseraffle reverseraffle2019 tejas freeshit
At 6pm
10 computers will be drawn for.
10 players will get to win a
Penny computer as a door prize.
Doors open at 4:00 pm.
Sessions: 7:00 pm & 8:30 pm.
$6 computers & $3 paper packages.
What do you have planned for Friday and Saturday? We have doorprizes planned!
We will see you this weekend? Tag a friend!
#april #pennywise #pennybingotx #tx #satx #satxbingo #flamingo #computer #community #texascharities #communityfocused #plans #thirstythursday #week #weekendvibes
2 & 2 Tuesday
Buy 2 computers for both sessions and get one for $2.00 (must buy both sessions)
Doors open at 4:00 pm.
Sessions: 7:00 pm & 8:30 pm.
$6 computers & $3 paper packages.
We hope to see you in May.
#bingohall #sanantonio #satxbingo #tuesday #winning #tech #april #may #seeyouagain #flamingolife #flamingo
At 6pm
10 computers will be drawn for.
10 players will get to win a $0.01 computer as a door prize.
Doors open at 4:00 pm.
Sessions: 7:00 pm & 8:30 pm.
$6 computers & $3 paper packages.
What do you have planned for Friday and Saturday?
We have doorprizes planned!
We will see you this weekend? Tag a friend!
#flamingolife #flamingo #flamingobingo #satxbingo #satx #sanantonio #weekend #thursday #thirstythursday #winning #pennywise #tejas #tx #question