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I am super excited to finally share my new project @homovirido with you! This is one of my illustrations on my new account where I share ideas and thoughts about sustainable living - a topic that is a matter very close to my heart check out @homovirido to see more of what I have been working on the last weeks If you like what I do I would be so happy if you support me and share my new account ❤️
По данным ООН в Мировой океан ежегодно выбрасывается около 8 тонн пластика. И это не считая свалки на суше. Такими темпами к 2050 году пластика в океанах станет больше, чем рыбы.
В среднем, люди используют 4-5 трлн одноразовых полиэтиленовых пакетов в год.
Пластиковые пакеты не поддаются биологической переработке и приводят к массивному загрязнению нашей планеты.
Часть стран уже осознало ужасные последствия целлофановых пакетов и запретило их использование, либо стимулирует людей переходить на альтернативные и экологичные варианты.
Каждый из нас может подойти к этой проблеме осознано и сократить использование пластика в своей жизни.
Начните с малого, не покупайте пакеты в магазинах. Используйте бумажные/тканевые сумки для ваших покупок.
According to the UN 8 tons of plastic are thrown into the oceans every year.
And that's not counting landfills. At this rate in 2050 plastic in the oceans will become more than fish.
People use 4-5 trillion disposable plastic bags per year.
Plastic bags are not amenable to biological processing and lead to massive pollution of our planet.
Some countries have already realized the terrible consequences of cellophane packages and have banned their use, or are encouraging people to switch to alternative and eco-friendly options.
Each of us can consciously approach this problem and reduce the use of plastic in our life.
Start small, do not buy bags in stores. Use paper / fabric bags for your purchases.
“Un viaje de mil millas comienza con 1 paso”✨ Lao-Tse
Poco a poco, vamos reduciendo el consumo de plástico de un solo uso.
Así de elegante y sostenible puede verse tu nevera
A alguien más le obsesiona una nevera así
#repost @sustainablecorner
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Beautiful mornings in Bali!
Follow @exploresquared to explore!
Follow @exploresquared to explore!
@florian_degreve #appreciatenature
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Unique underwater perspective! Do you think this is real or fake?
Follow @exploresquared to explore!
Follow @exploresquared to explore!
@tiffpenguin #natureboy #appreciatenature #seetheworld #justtravel #travelvibes #naturerocks #naturevibes #travelvibes #naturehub #natureshot #outdoorsy #voterealorfake #earthpic #saveearth #loveearth
-Per fabbricare una bottiglia di polietilene tereftalato (più noto con la sigla PET), riempirla, trasportare e tenerla al fresco serve un’energia pari a circa duemila volte quella necessaria per ottenere la stessa quantità d’acqua da un rubinetto collegato all’acquedotto.
Solo questi numeri dovrebbero darci l'idea dell'enorme impatto che il consumo di acqua in bottiglia genera sull'ambiente.
Nella quasi totalità dei comuni d'Italia l'acqua del rubinetto rispetta i criteri di potabilità e viene così assicurata la bontà e la sicurezza dell’acqua che arriva nelle nostre case.
Tramite dei filtri e depuratori professionali da applicare al rubinetto è inoltre possibile migliorarne ulteriormente la qualità, il sapore ed eliminare eventuali impurità.
E voi che acqua bevete?
-To make a polyethylene terephthalate bottle (better known as PET), fill it up, transport it and keep it in a cool place you need about two thousand times the energy needed to get the same amount of water from a tap connected to the aqueduct.
Only these numbers should give us the idea of the enormous impact that the consumption of bottled water generates on the environment.
In almost all the municipalities of Italy, tap water meets the criteria for drinking water and the goodness and safety of the water that arrives in our homes is thus ensured.
Through the filters and professional purifiers to be applied to the tap it is also possible to further improve the quality, flavor and eliminate any impurities.
And what water do you drink?
Photo by @bigbiteeco
#ecologicamentea0 #ecologicamente #ecology #rubbish #plastic #plasticfree #globalwarming #likeforlikes #pollution #waste #savetheplanet #savetheworld #greenenergy #ecologia #bottle #plasticbottle #sea #saveocean #cigarette #zerowaste #zerowasteitalia #plasticbag #raccoltadifferenziata #saveearth #greenpeace #lesswaste #inquinamento #rifiuti #cleanupyourhabits
Let it Bee and say thank you
The agricultural benefits of bees has been well documented; their pollination services to our agricultural crops are responsible for one out of every threebites of food we eat.
In fact, they are responsible for pollinating more than 90 of our traditionally favorite flowering crops such as apples, asparagus, avocados, blueberries, broccoli, celery, cherries, citrus crops, cranberries, cucumber, kiwis and melons, just to name a few.
An estimated 80 percent of food in grocery stores is available on the shelves, thanks to bee-pollinated crop.
Bees truly are miraculous creatures
Source:; @los.panditos
Follow us @we_saveplanetearth⠀
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-Un nuovo esempio dei danni che le reti fantasma perse o abbandonate dai pescatori possono provocare alla fauna marina.
Le stime parlano di oltre 100 mila esemplari che ogni anno muoiono tra atroci sofferenze intrappolati e soffocati da questi oggetti.
Questo esemplare di tartaruga è stato decisamente fortunato.
-A new example of the damage that ghost nets lost or abandoned by fishermen can cause to marine life.
Estimates speak of over 100 thousand specimens that die each year from atrocious suffering trapped and suffocated by these objects.
This specimen of turtle was definitely lucky.
Video by @cfiggener and
#ecologicamentea0 #ecologicamente #ecology #rubbish #plastic #plasticfree #globalwarming #likeforlikes #pollution #waste #savetheplanet #savetheworld #greenenergy #ecologia #bottle #plasticbottle #sea #saveocean #cigarette #zerowaste #zerowasteitalia #plasticbag #raccoltadifferenziata #saveearth #greenpeace #lesswaste #inquinamento #rifiuti #cleanupyourhabits