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Come and check out our store and help spread the word (link in bio) @baconisnotlife now with 25% of proceeds going to animal welfare charities you will feel great about your purchase with us #ethicalclothing #ethics #vegan #compassion #baconisnotlife #vegangiveaway #loveanimals #veganclothes #veganforlife #veganfortheanimals #vegans #tagafriend #plantbased #piglets #bekind #savethebees #savetheoceans #nopalmoil #savetheplanet #betterworld #vegtables #fruits #eatrainbows #love #makeastatement #veganuary #veganfood #veganismo #tofu #veganfashion
Repost @veganfordatass Look at two of the five(!) beautiful pins I got yesterday! I’ve already got one on my jacket and am gonna put the others on my bag ☺️ if you’re looking for compassionate apparel and want to support small businesses, defo check out @veganveins on Etsy :) #vegan #veganveins #savethebees #supportsmallbusiness #vegansofig
Not only do bees see colors differently, they also see colors *faster* than us... ⠀
Anyone else imagining everything and anything colorful flying toward you now?⠀
This nifty ability allows bees to distinguish each individual flower in a group - no wonder they really know how to pick em. ✨ #bknhive #FlowerPower ⠀
: @thearisebox⠀
From @dos1506 •
FOLLOW ➡️➡️@beekeepers_macro •
#bee #beekeeper #honey #insects #fauna #beeswax #bees #apiculture #gardenlife #savethebees #beekeeping #pollinators #beeswax #bees #bees #nature #natureza #naturepic #beesofinstagram #pollen #photoarena_nature #macrophotography #flowersandmacro #flowerphotography #rawhoney #raw_flowers •