scoliosis exercise strong physiotherapy spinehealth backpain fitness health artist bodypositive breathing breathingtechniques chestabnormality chestclinic chestpain chronicpain determined doctors healthylife imperfections nussprocedure pectus pectusawareness pectusexcavatum pectusexcavatumawareness pectusstrong pectusteam pectuswarrior physio pilates beyincerrahi
⬅️ Face when reading this comic! Thank you @juliehangart for illustrating the feelings so many of us have and for showing us that one kind, caring friend can make all the difference ✨
when i was 13 up until i was 16 years old, i had to wear a back brace to keep my scoliosis from progressing. needless to say, it took a toll on my self-esteem. luckily, i had wonderful friends at school who changed my perspective on it to something more positive!
#scoliosis #scoliosisbrace #backbrace #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisgirl #scoliosislife #scoliosissupport #scoliosisart #scoliosisawareness #scoliosiswarrior #scoliosisfighter #scoliosisfamily #Schroth #scoliosissurvivor #supportgroup #invisibleillness #bentnotbroken #scoliosisstory #nonprofit #wevegotyourback #gotyourback #cgscoliosis #curvygirlsscoliosis #escoliosis
A pic of me with my orthopedic corset on. You don’t know how much this means to me. 4 years ago, when my doctor said I had scoliosis and I had to wear this for the first time, I was so afraid to tell people about it. At first I had to wear it 23 hours per day, so I basically stopped hanging out with my friends because I was so ashamed of it. I stopped roller skating too. At school I was so uncomfortable. I couldn’t even wear what I wanted because I didn’t want people to see it. I isolated myself. I was so lonely, and I used to cry a lot. I couldn’t understand why this had happened to me. What had I done to deserve this?
Now I’m a completely different person. I’m not ashamed to show this picture to the world. On the contrary, I’m proud of doing this. I hope someone who’s in the same condition can read this and find the strength to go through it. It wasn’t easy for me. My boyfriend and my 2 friends (one had scoliosis too, and much worse than mine) helped me a lot, making me feel beautiful and accepted like I am. With my orthopedic corset on.
IF YOU’RE IN MY SAME CONDITION AND HAVE ANY QUESTION OR JUST WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT PLEASE WRITE ME. I’m here for you, because I know it’s hard, and because I know how to face it. BE STRONG
#scoliosis #orthopediccorset #corset #busto #corsetto #scoliosi
Kyphosis - What is it?
Everyone has some degree of curvature in their spine. When the top back of the spine is more rounded is referred to as Kyphosis.
♀️Majority of the cases Kyphosis doesn’t cause any symptoms. If the curvature is exaggerated it may cause back pain and stiffness.
Poor posture (slouching, carrying heavy bags) and spine conditions where the vertebral shape is altered either from birth or later on on life can cause this.
♀️ Exercises including back strengthening and stretching helps to combat these changes in the spine. More severe cases may require bracing and or surgery.
In this video I am demonstrating one extension, mobility type exercise to try out.
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This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Com você aprendi a esperar pelo inesperado com calma na alma.
Medo do amanhã? Sim, podemos ter. Mas deixar o desconhecido nos controlar nunca foi uma opção.
Quantas coisas imprevisíveis vivemos, e quantas ainda vamos viver, sem preparo, nem planejamento, apenas vivendo... vivendo, aprendendo com cada experiência nova e construindo memórias felizes a cada dia.
O ontem já passou, e cada vez mais a neblina do tempo se encarrega de apagar os detalhes doloridos, esconde o que não precisamos mais lembrar, e esse mesmo tempo nos empurra pra frente, para viver o novo, para conhecer o desconhecido, desfrutando da graça que é ter você aqui.
Te amamos. .
#helena #nanismo #escoliose #scoliosis #princesa #ortopedia #cervical #coluna #colarcervical #cervicalcollar #babygirl #spine #kids #child #22months #22meses #1anoe10meses
"Todos nós temos ou tivemos fardos físicos e emocionais.
A coluna, que é o principal e mais importante elemento do corpo, além de ser a base sobre a qual ele se encontra, é onde o modo de ser, o modo de viver e o modo de sentir que nós mesmos como pessoas somos representadas.
Na parte de trás deixamos tudo o que não queremos ver e não queremos ensinar aos outros, confiantes de que eles não podem ver.
Como não pode ser maquaiado, é o mais sincero e o mais revelador do nosso interior... " - Texto e imagem de Daniela ( @braillart )
Всем вам знакома дикая жара и яркие лучи летнего солнца.
Казалось бы,что в этом плохого?
Летом почти нереально находиться в корсете днём.
Знаю что многие снимают его когда ездят на море или просто погулять.
Да,проходить в нем 20 часов ,на первый взгляд ,кажется просто невозможным,но,нет,все возможно.
Не переставайте носить корсет и искать отмазки.
Я понимаю что это очень тяжело,но,тяжело не значит невозможно.
есть исключение. Если на улице +30 и вам стало плохо,лучше не медлить и снять корсет,так как можно получить тепловой удар.
многие его уже получали,так ведь?
Из одежды лучше надевать наверх светлую одежду,в темной футболке можно сгореть на солнце
бутылка простой воды незаменима как в поездках ,так и в любом другом месте.
лично мне очень трудно переносить летом общественный транспорт.
Все люди охают,ахают и умирают от жары. А ты сидишь в двух футболках и в пластмассе ,в которой вообще воздух не циркулирует,и тебе бл*ять ,не жарко...
Так как речь про море,напомню. Корсет нагревается на солнце,и не советую долго расхаживать в нем по раскаленному солнцу.
ну это касается тех,кто прямо в корсете ездит не снимая его ( как я).
И помните про загар.
куда же без него,но,осторожней.
на сгоревшее тело вы не сможете надеть корсет минимум дня 2-3,на себе проверила. Поэтому крема от загара будут вашими друзьями.
Берегите себя в жару.
Если стало плохо ,распустите липы на корсете и попросите людей принести воды.
Жара -не шутка. Многое может случиться,лучше быть готовыми ко всему.
Если есть ещё вопросы,с радостью отвечу.
А я люблю море в любое время года. Особенно сейчас,когда не жарко.
А вы с корсетом проводите летний отдых?