secondhandstuff secondhandbrandedtesti preloved bajukekinian bajumurah like prelovedstuff prelovedsurabaya secondhandsurabaya seconhand secondhand secondhandshop usedlikenew secondhandfashion secondhandfirst secondhandgoods 2hand buysecondhand ecology fashion outfit rebuy rethink secondhandliebe secondhandvienna sustainability thereisnoplanetb uniqlosecond vienna secondhandstyle
I am not normally a person to be critical of other people's choices but I saw this photos yesterday and was seriously disturbed by the number of shoes proudly on display. I just Don't get it - how does anyone need that many pairs? In my wardrobe, I have 3 pairs of Converse (all bought last summer in a seriously reduced sale which will last me for ages) and my 2 pairs of @brooksrunning shoes - 1 road.and 1 trail). I have a few pairs of boots, sandals and 1 pair of black shoes. Admittedly I do struggle to buy shoes because I have long narrow feet but when I find ones I like, they last for years. They are not a fashion accessory and definitely not #fastfashion purchases. I always look out for preloved shoes but they are very hard to in my size
While my attitude towards a lot of things has changed in recent years, thankfully I never thought this number of fashionable shoes was ever acceptable or needed.
Expressing a personal opinion
#zerowasteuk #goingzerowaste #greenliving #earthfriendly #sustainablyliving #environmental #sustainableliving #zerowasteliving #ecoconscious #sustainablelifestyle #ecofriendly #fairlyethicalfamily #reducereuserecycle #ditchdisposables #savetheearth #fashrev #greenfashion #ecofashion #secondhandfashion #secondhandstuff
Buy quality. Not too much. Mostly used.
It’s Day 2 of my zero-waste calendar! Today’s step: Go on a buy-nothing-new fast. Why? Because the easiest way to reduce consumption is to stop consuming.
Don’t browse for clothes or anything else online today—didn’t you just get a bunch of stuff you didn’t want for Christmas? Steer clear of the mall. Avoid the big box craft store. If you think you need something, wait a few days and you’ll either forget about it or the desire will likely disappear.
Of course if you must buy something—your furnace broke down and the mercury dropped to 34 below outside or you need a new toothbrush (see Day 16 on the calendar) or you somehow lost your menstrual cup (see Day 14)—go off of your fast. A mom on here told me that she and her two grown daughters are doing a buy-nothing-new year for 2019 but they will give themselves three passes each for stuff they need or want.
Stay on your fast for as long as you feel comfortable—a few days, a week, the entire month or longer.
As with all of the accomplishments on my 31-day zero-waste calendar, nothing is written in stone—more along the lines of reclaimed wood. I strive to follow the @michael.pollan diet—eat food, not too much, mostly plants—but I sometimes fall short. During the holidays I did a lot of “Eat sugar. Way too much. Mostly pie.”
Occasionally I do buy something new. Almost freakishly often though, if I’m patient, I score something amazing like this small Le Creuset Dutch oven. My neighbor said it weighs too much so he gave it to me (along with two others)
Link in profile for the full 31-day zero-waste calendar and details.
#zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastelife #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastetips #secondhandfirst #secondhandstuff #consciousconsumer #consciousconsumerism #thriftstorefinds #minimalistliving #michaelpollan
I designed my 31-day zero-waste challenge in January but May also has 31 days, so...
Today is Day 2! Buy nothing new. Try it for a day, a few days, a week or longer. New products require raw resources to produce: the materials in the product itself, the water and energy consumed in the manufacturing process, the packaging, the energy to ship... When you buy nothing new, you conserve these resources—and save money!
The sort of mind-bogglingly nice curbside finds I post in my Instagram stories elicit lots of comments: “Where do you LIVE?” and “What is GOING ON out there?!” and “That’s it! I am moving to the Bay Area!”
I posted this bike last night. My daughter MK, home until the fall, has reclaimed her bike that I had been riding. I have resisted buying another bike because I figured Chandra would find one on the curb for me so I sent that request out to the Universe last week. .
Riding in Palo Alto a few days ago, Chandra noticed a man rolling this bike out to the curb so he stopped and they chatted. The man said he had bought this Raleigh bike for his wife in 1969 and that Chandra should take it. So he did. New-to-me cute bike! Thank you Chandra and Universe!
When you need something, you may not find it on the curb for free. But the Marie Kondo effect has inspired people all over the country to declutter and donate their stuff, so hit the thrift shop. Other places to find secondhand stuff: @buynothingproject, Craigslist, Nextdoor and Freecycle. This weekend, a group of my friends and I will have another one of our swap meets. Everyone brings quality stuff they no longer want and we “shop” for free. So fun!
Link in profile for the full 31-day challenge.
#zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastelife #zerowastelifestyle #secondhandfirst #secondhandstuff #consciousconsumer #consciousconsumerism #thriftstorefinds #minimalistliving #sustainableliving #intentionalliving