securepositiveattachment lotusbondingclass earlyyears lotustoddlerclass earlychildhoodeducation lotusearlychildhoodprogram lotusenrichmentcenter bondingtime lotuscreativeclass bestintown bonding makingmemories lotusparentandchild musicandmovement 21stcenturylearners attachment biology funlearning lotusfieldtrip qualitytime raiseyourchildwell animalscience birdwatchers earlyattachment lotusparentingtips messyplay parenting101 playbasedlearning playmatters readaloud 21stcenturylearners
Major throwback to our All About Me themed Bonding class. Bonding Class is great for young children to learn new things, sing, dance, craft, play, interact with others while reconnecting with their main caregivers. We may be at home all day with our children, but in class the opportunities to really see and enjoy our children are plenty.
Our Bonding Class holiday program is still open for registration. With Eric Carle as the theme, we will surely have great fun. Class is on 17-21 June 4.00-5.30pm.
Don't hesitate to contact our admin staff for further info!
See you!
Moms, you are wonderful, you are amazing, you are beautiful, you matter, you've done so much and have sacrificed a lot beyond words.
Yes, you are the whole world to your child.
Thank you for being the great mom you are.
Thank you for trusting and never giving up on your child.
Thank you for your listening ears and helpful hands.
Thank you for your love and acceptance
Thank you for your big hearts and forgiveness.
Thank you for being a lifelong learner parent.
Thank you for being there when your child was little until now and forever.
Thank you for all the beautiful memories.
We appreciate you.
Happy Mother's Day.
Our Sensoryplay is always so much loved by our little ones. Each session, our theme related sensoryplay is carefully planned and prepared for their optimal growth and development.
Lotus playdate: Imagine your little ones engaging in various stimulating activities especially designed by our childhood education experts.
And you also can learn about early childhood from our experienced class leaders, while taking a break from mundane home routines/work and fully enjoy your child.
Bonus is special friendship with other parents of same age children. Many parents in early childhood programs begin relationships in class that last for a lifetime.
In our Bonding Class, it's not only the little ones who learn, but also the parents.
Other than the super fun activities that aim on building/strengthening early attachment, tips and tricks to understanding early childhood development are occasionally shared according to the very needs of the children in the class.
Because we know how secure positive attachment with main caregivers during early years is the key in setting a strong foundation for the rest of one's life.
#LotusBondingClass #LotusEnrichmentCenter #securepositiveattachment #bondingtime
What a beautiful day for a family day out today!
Beautiful pigeon suncatchers in the making. What's making it special is that it's a collaborative artwork, between parent(s)/grandparent and child.