semenretention nofap tantra divinemasculine love angel breath daemon divinefeminine electric electromagnetic gaia guardian lawofattraction lawofone magnetism master metatron multidimensional oneness ophiuchus orgasm emotionalstability infinite kundalinirising nonstoptantra physicalflight tearretention truth worldpeace noporn
Sperm is a sacred alkaline fluid that takes a lot of energy to create. It is said that the production of sperm in order to create a life, takes a part of our own life with it. This suggests that lowering the frequency of ejaculations should result in you living longer, aging slower and looking better in an appearance sense. Mass amounts of zinc, selenium and copper are propelled out of the body during ejaculation. You have to understand that every time you lose this life force you lose your vital energy and essence.
The Benefits Of Sperm Retention
More energy
Less depressed
More confidence
Less anxiety
Increased social skills
Highly motivated
Increased fat loss
Increased muscle growth
Improved workout performance
Deeper voice
Improved skin
Thicker hair
Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
Brighter eyes
Improved body language
More alpha male behavior
Increased attention from women
Improved memory
Removal of brain fog
A cure to hair loss
High sex drive
Controlled aggression
Feelings of power
Improved immunity
Increased stamina
Study the art of sexual transmutation instead of wasting sexual energy use that energy to create the reality you want. Sexual energy/semen/essence/jing, is what your body and mind utilize to survive and function. It is what holds your energy, purpose, charisma, and confidence. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#awareness #bodybuilding #discipline #enlightment #fitfam #health #inspiration #instagood #life #meditate #mentalhealth #power #positivity #semenretention #research #strength #nofap #spiritual #vegansofig #vegancommunity #wisdom #knowledge #knowthyself #losangeles #higherconsciousness #truth #news
The abundance of our planet is real. Men pay attention ‼️ #Repost from brother @akeemo.therapy ・・・
Every time I go back to Saint Lucia I throw out all the cloths I brought and just fill my suitcase with herbs . When you’re connected to the local healers who take pride in quality you’ll never want to get your products from anywhere else. I’m working on making these products available to y’all soon but until then you gotta hop on a flight and come get some for yourself! Two weeks left before the ticket sales cut-off for our Saint Lucia retreat which will be full of high grade healing herbs such as this seamoss, soursop, neem and plenty others! Message me if you have any questions or click the Link in my bio for more info
▪ Friedrich Nietzsche - German Philosopher ▪ Muhammad Ali -Boxing Legend
▪ David Haye - World Heavy Weight Boxing Champion
▪ Mike Tyson - Boxing Legend
▪ Socrates - Greek Philosopher
▪ Nikola Tesla - Inventor
▪ Steve Jobs - Entrepreneur, inovator
▪ Prince - Musician
▪ Pythagoras - Greek Philosopher
#SemenRetention #NoFap #SelfMastery #NoPMO #PornAddiction
Have You Heard Of Seminal Retention?
Whether you want to increase testosterone, gain more confidence, become healthier or improve self discipline, there are plenty of benefits of abstaining from ejaculation. I’m not telling you you’re not allowed to jerk or have sex, just consider this information and try it if you want to. Personally I notice a significant increase in focus, self discipline, memory retention, and mental clarity.
Hot Tip you can have sex without ejaculating. That way you can pleasure your loved one without breaking your streak
@Regrann from @iam_ihi - @Regran_ed from @kaushikk_d - #retention #rajayoga #breath #karmayoga #masculine #nofap #nopmo #oscarwilde #sigmundfreud #semenretention #vivekananda #pinealgland #pinealpower #nowoman #nodrugs #kegelexercises #nofapmotivation #norelapse #relapseprevention ##strength #strengthtraining #noalcohol #highgoals #spiritualseeker #ojas #ojasshakti #wealthcreation #monkmode #hardmode
Be mindful of how your sexual energy is being projected, exchanged, and utilized within you. Sex should be healing, revitalizing, and rejuvenating on every aspect of your being. There will be those who will only want you for your body, while they drain your spirit. #Artist @pachutorresart According to the Chinese text, The Manuals of the Immortals, the adept can make the semen 'nourish the brain' by applying the two middle fingers to 'a spot behind the scrotum and in front of the anus, while at the same time the breath should be fully expelled through the mouth, none being retained (in the lungs)'; thus, the semen 'will come back from the Stalk of Jade and mount upwards to enter the brain.'" See Fan Fu Ruan, Sex in China. New York: Plenum, l991" (Schuchard, 2000). "The Science of the ancient Sages (SIDDHAS) teaches that the sexual reproductive power (the Life Force) can be transmuted into superior forms of energy called OJAS and TEJAS. The practitioner causes his seed to rise up to his crown center (SAHASRARA), where it becomes transformed into SOMA, the Nectar of Immortality. Through the TANTRIC procedures, [via the "lymphatic system"], the semen reaches the brain (CORPUS CALLOSUM) where it is processed into extremely subtle energies (OJAS and TEJAS) used by the higher mind. As the physical brain needs oxygen and proteins to function properly, the higher mind (superconsciousness) needs big quantities of OJAS and TEJAS energy. The TEJAS energy is that energy which produces the halo around the saints' head. The OJAS energy is that energy which confers an extraordinary vigor, power and virility" [Also possible in women.] (Roman) "Semen retention is very valuable for both spiritual and material health. Semen retained in the body goes upwards to nourish the brain, rendering the body robust, and the memory and intellect incredibly sharp. Confidence, determination, optimism, willpower, fixed intelligence, noble character, photographic memory and shining good health are all fruits of conserved semen.
#SemenRetention #Immortality #RightHandPath
#YouTube Vaishnavism and the Right Hand Path 1 of 5 Santos Bonacci #Namaste #AllisMuta
Spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate goal for all of humanity, not just a chosen few. Be helpful, not hurtful. Meditation is the alchemy of transforming. The unconscious into the conscious. It gives you a tremendous power, Far greater than anger, greed and lust. Unlock the Gateway to
Higher Consciousness in Your Brain:
A tiny pea-sized gland shaped like a pinecone, residing in the centre of our brains, may hold the secrets to spiritual wisdom, inspiration and psychic awareness. The Pineal Gland is vital for physical, mental and spiritual health, while also being a gateway to higher consciousness.
It is widely believed that the pineal gland is key to our spiritual awakening and psychic abilities.
the pineal is an important psychophysiological centre or chakra and is the source of clairvoyance and intuition. It has also been described as “the principal seat of the soul,” and the portal to the higher dimensions, as the pineal, or third eye, provides perception beyond ordinary sight. Interestingly, the pineal gland has been linked to the production of the psychedelic DMT or dimethyltryptamine.
DMT is the most powerful psychedelic substance known to man. Scientific experiments have discovered DMT in the pineal gland of rats. It is believed that DMT is released during near death experiences, and this may explain the enhanced spiritual connection and awakening that takes place. DMT brings higher awareness and wisdom. The third eye, when awakened enable, us to open up to have visions, clairvoyance and other psychic gifts. It is vital to our spiritual growth and consciousness to keep our pineal gland clear and free of toxic substances. As we become more toxic and the pineal gland calcifies further, we lose our spiritual connection to higher energies and our oneness with all that is. #allismuta #artist @thetorusenergy
#decalcifyyourpinealgland #distilledwater #alkalinevegan #semenretention
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation. Ancient philosophies and medical practices from Asia and India have long claimed that semen retention leads to better health and longer life. Semen, which is in essence the very life-force of a man, must be retained in the body to maintain a man's health. Don’t listen to the one’s saying this is bullshit, do your own research and experience it for yourself. Patience, awareness and intent is key. Some Benefits Of Sperm Retention:
More energy
Less depressed
More confidence
Less anxiety
Increased social skills
Highly motivated to succeed
Highly motivated to do more
Greater resilience, resistance to stress and determination
Greater joy over the small things and life in general
Highly motivated to approach real women
Increased fat loss
Increased muscle growth
Improved workouts
Improved sporting performance
Deeper voice
Improved skin
Thicker hair
Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
Less sleep required
Brighter eyes
Clearer skin
Improved body language
More alpha male behaviours
Increased attention from women
More respect from men
Improved memory
Removal of brain fog
A cure to hair loss
Better sex
Thicker/longer penis
Aloof attitude
High sex drive
Controlled aggression
Feelings of power
Improved relationships
Improved immunity
Increased stamina
Increased creativity
This may seem too good to be true but I can testify to pretty much all of these benefits myself. I am not selling anything in this article, neither am I trying to redirect you to a product. I have nothing to gain other than passing on my experience to help others. Does that mean that I have to give up sex to get the benefits from Semen Retention!? Should I just give up sex with my GF!? ABSOLUTELY NOT! There are ways to get all the benefits of Semen Retention without the need of going into complete celibacy. One of the most popular is through the exercise of the perineum through the Kegel Exercises to have Non Ejaculatory Orgasms (NEO's, a variation of "tantric sex" and “Sexual Kung Fu”) and through a method called Karezza (pronounced kah-reh-tsah). #righthandpath #semenretention
Continued Below