servampkuro servamp anime kuro sleepyash doubtdoubt mikunialicein servamplawless servampedit tetsusendagaya lichttodoroki manga servamphyde servampfanart tsubaki hugh lichtjekyllandtodoroki oldchild servamp_kuro watanukisakuya freya lawlessofgreed mahirushirota servamp_hyde servampanime servampofsloth shirotomahiru snowlili tsurugi doubtdoubt
B a b i e s
Dt: @ulteous @shizucard (secretly @mioda.s )•
Ac: I forgot, if you know, post in the comments.•
Ib: #SINfulRegrets edit a character (or characters in my case) that remind you of your favorite person/best friend(s) (Kim, Viola, Hannah uwu)•
[repost because it flopped so hard ] open collab with a god @c.aprisvn
i literally cannot believe yeon reached 1k so fast i’m so glad i was there since the beginning to see her growth! she is so talented, helpful, funny, etc etc i’m addicted to all of her edits and you should be too
part 1: @c.aprisvn (kuro) ❤️
part 2: me (lawless)