yoga chantyoga daycares sfkidsyoga yosic cortemadera castrodistrict celebratelife chakras energy energyhealing kidsyoga kidsyogasf mantrahealing noevalley privateclass sanskrit toddlers millvalley sfdaycares yogakids childrenyoga littleyogis dhanirasana bowpose yogarestorative happybabypose kidsyogaclasses kidsyogaclass butterfly yosic
Our morning Shavasana with little friends #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares
Our morning Shavasana with little friends #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares
Need a great way to kickstart your week.. Let’s do some Y O G A ♀️ .
We even have a class for your little one today! .
TK-1st Grade Yoga today 3:30-4:15pm with Jenny. .
#atmayoga #atmayogastudio #orindayoga #eastbayareayoga #bayareayogastudio #localyogastudio #sanfranciscobayarea #sfyoga #sfkidsyoga #oaklandkidsyoga #orindakidsyoga #littlesyoga #interactivelearning #mindfulkidsyoga #yogaandplay
We are beyond excited to launch a new 10 Week Kids & Teens Yoga Program at our Ocean Studio with teacher Lu Clifton, September 12th-November 14th! Mondays Kids Yoga ages 4-12 from 4:30-5:15pm & Teen Yoga Ages 13-17 5:30-6:30pm | $15 Drop-in or buy a 10 Week Pass for $100 #kidsyoga #teenyoga #sfyoga #sfkidsyoga #yogaflowsf
Playing with Snapchat with a friend #bowpose #dhanirasana #kidsyoga #yogakids #childrenyoga #yoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #chantyoga #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #daycares #sfdaycares #littleyogis #kidsyogaclass